Hi All,

A couple of weeks ago we were trying to piece together some of the history of 
the National Championships. Not for the first time there was a call to document 
some of our history.

I don't know much about creating an archive etc. but am fortunate enough to 
work at Warwick University, which has a Modern Records Centre, and has the 
oldest surviving club in the country (founded 1976). I fired off an e-mail and 
got this response from the Deputy Archivist

Thanks for your email. The MRC would be happy to provide advice about 
collecting an archive for these sports and can talk to you about this. We 
already hold the National Cycle Archive and one or two other sports related 
collections. Perhaps you would like to call in to chat about the nature of the 
collection and the procedures involved.
<end quote>

I will arrange a meeting, but I would be interested to know what collections 
are out there. 

Does anybody have official records of the BUF?

Are there significant personal collections?

Do we have anybody on this group with expertise in this area?


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