If anyone is interested in this then drop me an email.


-----Original Message-----
Dear All,

Tomorrow (Nov 30) is the last day for candidates to apply for the board of
directors election.

For six positions, several people have said they will or might run. However,
only one has completed an application so far - Dan Engström (At-Large). 

Choosing directors is one of the most important member activities each year,
with direct impact on the future of WFDF and flying disc sports worldwide.

If you know a possible candidate, or are one, please turn in your
application by tomorrow. Applications will be accepted until midnight in the
last time zone (International Date Line West, GMT -12).



WFDF is managed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership. Directors
are responsible for overseeing the pursuit of WFDF's mission.

Positions open for the 2006-2007 term include:

- Treasurer
- Individual Events Chair
- At-Large (4 positions)

Please consider serving flying disc sports at the international level as a
WFDF director. Help recruit candidates from your area! Who already
contributes to flying disc sport, with an international interest? Please
forward this message to them or send me their name & e-mail.

To apply for candidacy, send to me by November 30:

- Your name, residence, and declaration of which position(s);
- A CV (resume);
- A short candidacy statement, including your interests, priorities, and
relevant experience (no more than 300 words);
- A photo (.jpg, no larger than 200 x 300 pixels); and
- A recommendation from any WFDF member in good standing (can be very short)
so that the Nominating Committee and voters know a WFDF member approves the
candidate. Note that the recommending member can still vote for any
candidate and if elected the person does not represent any member, but WFDF
as a whole.

Qualified candidates will be approved by the Nominating Committee. The
election will be held electronically before December 19. Two-year terms for
the open positions begin January 1, 2006 and end December 31, 2007.

I am happy to answer any questions, including about responsibilities and
expectations. Please write me directly: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Again, please consider running for a WFDF board position and help recruit
excellent directors by Nov 30. Thank you!

Joey Gray, Secretary General
World Flying Disc Federation

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