[Midlands Uni teams - please circulate through your club]

This email outlines what EMO are doing in 2006 - please have a read
and see whether this is applicable to you; we are always looking to
recruit new players.

This is aimed at anyone:

- who is in the Midlands now, or
- who will be in the Midlands during 2006, or
- who can commit to attending practices in the Midlands regularly

who wants to:

- train hard
- improve their game
- gain experience on a national and international level

regardless of ability, confidence, or experience.  All we ask is that
you are keen to learn and willing to put in the work to achieve that.

If you're not sure - come along and join in one of our sessions, or
send me an email.

If you have a question, check out the FAQ at the bottom of this mail,
or send me an email.

What do EMO want to achieve in 2006?

- send a team to WUCC in Perth if a spot becomes available
- run two teams on the Open Tour
- regular competition at other events, including European tournaments
and friendlies
- work in conjunction with the newly formed Midlands Women's and
Midlands Mixed teams
- run open practices with the aim of improving player's skills
- run one-off weekend clinics working on specific skills (such as
Defense or Zone play), in a similar manner to the Scottish Clinics,
that will be open to all, including non-emo players


Are held every week in Leicester on Nelson Mandela Park.  The warm up
starts at 7.30, and practices go on for about 2 hrs.


We play in the triangle between Welford Rd, Waterloo Way and Lancaster
Rd.  There is parking on Lancaster Rd.

For any more info, contact either Brummie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or


Q. Are EMO practices open to all?
A. Yes

Q: Do I have to commit to playing for EMO now?  I already have a team
that I like playing with.
A. No.  We're not asking anyone to commit to playing with us this
season yet.  Due to the changes in the calendar, and our large student base, we
acknowledge that many of you will have left the area when the Tour
comes around anyway.

Q: Do EMO have a spot at Worlds?
A. No, not yet.  But we're in the running and preparing anyway;
previously more spots have become available for big international
tournaments and we expect to get offered a spot.

Q: If I commit to EMO and then you don't get a spot at WUCC, can I leave EMO?
A. Yes, of course you can.  We wish all such players the best of luck!

Q: Will EMO definitely have two teams on the Tour?
A. We can't be 100% certain, but as long as people want to go, we'll
send two teams.

Q. Will EMO second team be all the worst players?
A.The second team will always have at least two EMO coaches playing
alongside a developing team. Playing on the EMO second team (and
similarly the first team) will give everyone a great experience and
very competitive ultimate.

Q. Are the first and second teams fixed?
A. No, the teams will be selected for each event, and will be based on
attendance as well as experience and other factors

Q. What international tournaments are EMO attending?  Will I get to go?
A. EMO will go to as many international tournaments as people want to
go to.  In the event of team selection, we'll aim to give the maximum
number of people the opportunity to attend an international event with

Q. What does EMO stand for?
A. No idea. :-)

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