(Figure others will be interested in this) 

> ...have 2 questions that immediately spring to mind:
> 1) What becomes of EUCC?

No change.  The EUCS (everyone loves acronyms right?) proposal isn't
supposed to replace or take away from EUCC at all.  EUCSC involves a smaller
number of clubs for a shorter annual event; EUCC is a larger event with more
clubs on a 4 year bases - I guess it remains to be seen what happens when
both are on the same year.

> 2) One region consisting of UK & EIRE? Do you think any team 
> in Ireland would beat the top 8 in the UK? Are the regions 
> fixed or open to negotiation (France/Belgium maybe?)

They are fixed (at least for the next year or two).  The idea is that the
final of this series is for the very elite teams, the number of qualifying
slots depends on the 'strength' of the region - so teams that don't qualify
in one region are not any more likely to qualify in another.  The idea is
not to get many different countries represented at the finals.  As the
proposal states, the hope is that this will encourage more
teams/clubs/countries to take the step up.

UK & Eire make up one region for two main reasons:
- We are lucky enough to be one of the largest Ultimate communities in
- We already have the perfect vehicle in place of qualification for the EUCS
finals: the Tour.  The Irish teams have been successfully competing in the
Tour for many years now; anything that encourages them continue to do so is
good IMHO.

This final point is not explained in the proposal.  The UKUA Tour will act
as the qualifiers (sectionals & regionals) for our region (West).  Teams
will qualify for EUCF from the West region based solely on Tour finishing

Finally, the top Tour teams from last year should already have been
contacted about this but if any team has feedback for the EUCS organisers -
especially with regards to the player eligibility options - please email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ASAP (before Friday if possible!).  This will then be
passed on.


EUCC = European Ultimate Club Championships (4 yearly, week long event)
EUCS = European Ultimate Club Series (proposal for an annual regional
competition with finals for elite teams)
EUCF = Finals of the EUCS!

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