Hey guys, 
  On the 14th of January 2006 there will be a brand new event launched into the 
ultimate community. Being held on sandbanks beach in Poole (the same venue as 
beachfest and sandbanks mini) will be the frostbite tour 2006. This will be a 
one day event of (probably quite cold) beach ultimate open to all teams who 
have a taste for something a little different and with the possibility of a 
second day hat tournament if we get enough players who are up for it.
  The plan is for an eight team event (possibly expanding to 16 teams if we get 
lots of interest but that would mean having to get the local council involved) 
so if you fancy something out of the ordinary then come along! If you don’t 
have a team don’t worry we will find you someone to play with on the day! And 
if the weather worries you we are working on a second venue in reserve so that 
we can run an indoor tournament in place of the beach if the weather really is 
that bad.
  The cost of this event will be £50 per team and as an added bonus those 
wonderful people at lookfly are offering sand socks at a reduced price for 
anyone who enters the frostbite tour this year.  
  Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] to let us know if you are 
interested we can give you more details on the event and the brilliant offer 
from lookfly.
  See you on the beach
  Whittle / Geordie
  Frostbite tour 2006 TDs
  p.s. sorry if this is delivered twice...i think i got the email address wrong 
the first time but it might just be me!

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