Revision: 71790

Author:   starseeker
Date:     2018-09-23 15:07:41 +0000 (Sun, 23 Sep 2018)
Log Message:
Start working on doing for articles,books and lessons what we did for the man 
pages and put the en subdirectory at the top level.  There will be a couple 
steps here that break the build.

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Copied: brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/TEMPLATE.xml (from rev 71789, 
--- brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/TEMPLATE.xml                              
(rev 0)
+++ brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/TEMPLATE.xml      2018-09-23 15:07:41 UTC 
(rev 71790)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+<article xmlns=""; 
xmlns:xlink=""; version="5.0">
+  <info>
+    <title>Article Title</title>
+    <author>
+      <personname>
+        <firstname>Firstname</firstname>
+        <othername>Middlename</othername>
+        <surname>Lastname</surname>
+      </personname>
+      <!-- optional e-mail address -->
+      <affiliation>
+        <orgname>BRL-CAD Open Source</orgname>
+        <address>
+          <email></email>
+        </address>
+      </affiliation>
+    </author>
+  </info>
+  <section xml:id="some-descriptive-tag">
+    <!-- the xml:id tag is just something descriptive that you can
+         reference if you wanted to use CSS to modify the layout. -->
+    <para>
+      First paragraph goes here.
+    </para>
+    <literallayout>
+      <command>benchmark TIMEFRAME=1 run</command>
+    </literallayout>
+    <note>
+      <para>
+        The preceding <application>benchmark</application> command
+        example can get a lot more complex.
+      </para>
+    </note>
+    <para>
+      When you run the <command>benchmark</command> with
+      the <option>help</option> option, you might see this output:
+      <literallayout><computeroutput><prompt>sean@gcc1-power7 
bin]$</prompt><command>benchmark</command> help
+          Usage: ./benchmark [command(s)] [OPTION=value] [RT_OPTIONS]
+          Available commands:
+          clean
+          ...
+        </computeroutput></literallayout>
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      Another paragraph with embedded list is shown here.  Each
+      paragraph gets its own para and should be wrapped for
+      readability and localized context diff comparisons.
+      <info><title>A list of items:</title></info>
+      <itemizedlist mark="bullet"><listitem><para>
+            Bullet item 1.
+          </para></listitem><listitem><para>
+            Bullet item 2.
+          </para></listitem></itemizedlist>
+    </para>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="another-tag-for-main-body">
+    <title>Breaking up the flow into sections</title>
+    <para>
+      You can use sections to group sections of your document
+      together, but they are not necessary.
+    </para>
+    <figure>
+      <info>
+        <title>Example embedded image text.</title>
+      </info>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject role="html">
+          <!--
+               NOTE: fileref will normally be something like
+               "../../articles/en/images/nirt_fig02.png" NOT http: URL
+               -->
+          <imagedata align="center" 
format="PNG" width="256"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <imageobject role="fo">
+          <!--
+               NOTE: fileref will normally be something like
+               "../../articles/en/images/nirt_fig02.png" NOT http: URL
+               -->
+          <imagedata align="center" 
format="PNG" width="256"/>
+        </imageobject>
+        <caption>
+          <para>
+            Image caption text.
+          </para>
+        </caption>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </figure>
+    <para>
+      Another image, but rendered inline
+      <inlinemediaobject><imageobject role="html"><imagedata 
format="PNG" width="64"/></imageobject><imageobject role="fo"><imagedata 
format="PNG" width="64"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
+      with the paragraph text.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      More paragraphs...
+    </para>
+    <informaltable>
+      <tgroup cols="2">
+        <thead>
+          <row>
+            <entry>Type</entry>
+            <entry>Description</entry>
+          </row>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+          <row>
+            <entry>ell</entry>
+            <entry>Generalized Ellipsoid</entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry>arb8</entry>
+            <entry>Arbitrary Regular Polyhedron with up to 8 vertices</entry>
+          </row>
+        </tbody>
+      </tgroup>
+    </informaltable>
+    <section>
+      <caution>
+        <para>
+          There's a lot more you can do with Docbook/XML.  Search the web for 
references and examples:
+        </para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <link 
+              </link>
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <link 
+              </link>
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+      </caution>
+    </section>
+  </section>

Copied: brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/about.xml (from rev 71789, 
--- brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/about.xml                         (rev 0)
+++ brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/about.xml 2018-09-23 15:07:41 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<article xmlns=""; version="5.0">
+  <info>
+    <title>About BRL-CAD</title>
+    <author>
+      <personname>
+       <firstname>Christopher</firstname>
+       <othername>Sean</othername>
+       <surname>Morrison</surname>
+      </personname>
+      <affiliation>
+         <orgname>BRL-CAD Open Source</orgname>
+       <address>
+         <email></email>
+       </address>
+      </affiliation>
+    </author>
+  </info>
+  <section xml:id="article-body">
+    <para>
+      BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform Open Source combinatorial
+      Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system that
+      includes interactive 3D solid geometry editing, high-performance
+      ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis,
+      network-distributed framebuffer support, image and
+      signal-processing tools, path-tracing and photon mapping support
+      for realistic image synthesis, a system performance analysis
+      benchmark suite, an embedded scripting interface, and libraries
+      for robust high-performance geometric representation and
+      analysis.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      For more than 20 years, BRL-CAD has been the primary tri-service
+      solid modeling CAD system used by the U.S. military to model
+      weapons systems for vulnerability and lethality analyses.  The
+      solid modeling system is frequently used in a wide range of
+      military, academic, and industrial applications including in the
+      design and analysis of vehicles, mechanical parts, and
+      architecture.  The package has also been used in radiation dose
+      planning, medical visualization, computer graphics education,
+      CSG concepts and modeling education, and system performance
+      benchmark testing among other purposes.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      BRL-CAD supports a great variety of geometric representations
+      including an extensive set of traditional CSG primitive implicit
+      solids such as boxes, ellipsoids, cones, and tori, as well as
+      explicit solids made from closed collections of Uniform B-Spline
+      Surfaces, Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) surfaces,
+      n-Manifold Geometry (NMG), and purely faceted mesh geometry.
+      All geometric objects may be combined using boolean
+      set-theoretic CSG operations including union, intersection, and
+      difference.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      BRL-CAD has been under active development with a portability
+      heritage that includes systems such as a DEC VAX-11/780 running
+      4.3 BSD; DECStations running ULTRIX; Silicon Graphics 3030, 4D
+      "IRIS", O2, Onyx, and Origin systems running various versions of
+      IRIX; Sun Microsystems Sun-3 and Sun-4 Sparcs running SunOS; the
+      Cray 1, Cray X-MP, Cray Y-MP, and Cray 2 running UNICOS; DEC
+      Alpha AXP running OSF/1; Apple Macintosh II running A/UX;
+      iPSC/860 Hypercube running NX/2; the Alliant FX/8, FX/80, and
+      FX/2800; Gould/Encore SEL PowerNode6000/9000 and NP1; NeXT
+      workstations; IBM RS/6000; HPPA 9000/700 running HPUX;
+      Ardent/Stardent; Encore Multi-Max; and much more.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      BRL-CAD is a collection of more than 400 tools, utilities, and
+      applications comprising more than a million lines of source
+      code.  The package is intentionally designed to be extensively
+      cross-platform and is actively developed on and maintained for
+      many common operating system environments including BSD,
+      Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and Windows among others.  BRL-CAD is
+      distributed in binary and source code form as free open source
+      software (FOSS), provided under Open Source Initiative (OSI)
+      approved license terms.
+    </para>
+    <note>
+      <para>
+       Mike Muuss began the initial architecture and design of
+       BRL-CAD back in 1979.  Development as a unified package began
+       in 1983.  The first public release was made in 1984.  BRL-CAD
+       became an open source project on 21 December 2004.
+      </para>
+    </note>
+  </section>

Copied: brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/animation_tutorial.xml (from rev 
71789, brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/en/animation_tutorial.xml)
--- brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/animation_tutorial.xml                    
        (rev 0)
+++ brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/animation_tutorial.xml    2018-09-23 
15:07:41 UTC (rev 71790)
@@ -0,0 +1,1693 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<article xmlns=""; 
xmlns:xlink=""; version="5.0">
+  <info>
+    <title>Animation Techniques in BRL-CAD</title>
+    <author>
+      <personname>
+       <firstname>  Christine</firstname>
+  <surname>Murdza</surname>
+    </author>
+    <author>
+      <personname>
+    <firstname>Lee</firstname>
+  <surname>A. Butler</surname>
+      </personname>
+  </author>
+<section xml:id="Introduction">
+<para>Moving pictures are created by presenting the viewer with a sequence of 
still images in quick succession. Objects which occur in an orderly succession 
of slightly different locations within a sequence of images appear to be in 
motion to the viewer. Such an object is said to be ``animated.'' Preparing a 
moving picture of animated objects requires a large number of still images 
(often called ``frames'').
+Still images of computer models are relatively easy to create within BRL-CAD. 
*|* The program rt uses the technique of ray-tracing to create images of 
geometric models. *|* A moving picture or ``animation'' of the model can be 
created by using rt to create a series of still images, each of which forms a 
frame of the final moving picture. The difficulty arises in specifying each 
frame for rt to create. Some tools have been created to help make this process 
+<section xml:id="Preliminaries">
+Before there can be motion there must first be form. This means a description 
of geometry to be animated must exist. To keep things simple, we will use the 
``moss'' database distributed with BRL-CAD. Assuming that the distribution is 
stored in the directory /cadsrc the following command will create a local copy 
of the database for use with the examples presented here:
+<emphasis role="bold">% asc2g&#60; 
+Examples such as the one above are presented with the portion typed by the 
user shown in <emphasis role="bold">bold</emphasis> typeface.
+<section xml:id="Simple_Camera_Motion">
+Simple Camera Motion
+<section xml:id="Key_Frames">
+<title>Key Frames</title>
+The first step in creating an animation sequence is the definition of 
``key-frames.'' These are descriptions of what the scene should look like at 
``key'' moments in the animation sequence. Some key-frames are readily 
recognized. The frame in which the camera or an object starts or stops moving 
is important. Likewise, the moment when an object changes direction or velocity 
is also important. It is good to define one or two key-frames before and after 
each of these points of change.
+Generating key-frames with mged is easy. The user displays the wireframe of 
the desired geometry and manipulates the display until the desired view is 
achieved. To save the key-frame information in a file, the mged keyboard 
command ``saveview'' is used. This command creates a shell script with the 
proper invocation of the rt program to render the current scene. The argument 
to the ``saveview'' command is the filename for the shell script. Note that the 
keyboard command ``saveview'' is distinct and different from the menu option 
visible in the button menu on the geometry display.
+To keep things orderly and make later processing easier, it is recommended 
that the user specify key-frame filenames which have a common prefix followed 
by a number indicating the time in the animation sequence at which the 
key-frame occurs.
+<section xml:id="Generating_Key_Frames_with_MGED">
+<title>Generating Key Frames with MGED</title>
+For our first example, we will create a simple animation with the ``moss.g'' 
model. The objective is to begin the animation sequence with a view of the 
geometry from the front corner of the platform. As time goes by, the viewer's 
location (the ``eye point'' or ``eye_pt'') moves upward in an arc over the 
geometry until the viewer is looking directly down on the center of the 
platform. To give a natural feeling of flight, the eye point should accelerate 
and decelerate at the beginning and end of its travel respectively. This is 
achieved by adjusting the number of degrees of elevation the eye will raise in 
each second of the animation. In the first (and last) three quarters of a 
second of the animation, the eye raises only 2 degrees of elevation above the 
plane. In the following second 8 degrees of arc are covered. At the 4 second 
mark the eye is looking down at a 45 degree angle.
+<emphasis role="bold">mged moss.g</emphasis>
+BRL-CAD Release 4.1   Graphics Editor (MGED)
+     Tue Oct 20 14:19:59 EDT 1992, Compilation 5
+     stay&#64;vail&#58;&#47;n&#47;wolf&#47;m&#47;dist4&#46;1&#47;mged
+attach (nu|tek|tek4109|ps|plot|sgi|X)[nu]? <emphasis role="bold">sgi</emphasis>
+Gary Moss's "World on a Platter" (units=mm)
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">e all.g</emphasis>
+408 vectors in 1 sec
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">center 20 0 0</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">size 200</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">ae 45 0</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">saveview moss_0</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">ae 45 2</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">saveview moss_0.75</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">ae 45 10</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">saveview moss_1.75</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">ae 45 45</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">saveview moss_4</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">ae 45 80</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">saveview moss_6.25</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">ae 45 88</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">saveview moss_7.25</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">ae 45 90</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">saveview moss_8</emphasis>
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">q</emphasis>
+At this stage there are seven key-frame files in the current directory with 
the names:
+       <programlisting>
+       moss_0          moss_1.75       moss_6.25       moss_8
+       moss_0.75       moss_4          moss_7.25
+       </programlisting>
+A look at the contents of one of the key-frame files shows that the scene is 
stored as four separate elements. These elements are the geometry being 
displayed, the size of the viewing cube or ``viewsize'', the location in 3 
dimensional space of the camera or ``eye_pt'', and the ``orientation'' of the 
geometry within space. All animations which involve the observer moving about a 
static object can be generated from these parameters.
+Recall that these key-frames do not represent all of the images necessary to 
produce the animation. They only specify the significant moments in the 
animation. It is necessary to generate the ``in-between'' frames as well to 
turn the key-frames into a smooth animation. The values for the ``viewsize,'' 
``eye_pt'' and ``orientation'' attributes of these ``in-between'' frames are 
generated by interpolating the values which describe the key-frames.
+<section xml:id="Key_Frame_Interpolation">
+<title>Key Frame Interpolation</title>
+The first step in creating an animation sequence is the definition of 
``key-frames.'' These are descriptions of what the scene should look like at 
``key'' moments in the animation sequence. Some key-frames are readily 
recognized. The frame in which the camera or an object starts or stops moving 
is important. Likewise, the moment when an object changes direction or velocity 
is also important. It is good to define one or two key-frames before and after 
each of these points of change.
+Generating key-frames with mged is easy. The user displays the wireframe of 
the desired geometry and manipulates the display until the desired view is 
achieved. To save the key-frame information in a file, the mged keyboard 
command ``saveview'' is used. This command creates a shell script with the 
proper invocation of the rt program to render the current scene. The argument 
to the ``saveview'' command is the filename for the shell script. Note that the 
keyboard command ``saveview'' is distinct and different from the menu option 
visible in the button menu on the geometry display.
+To keep things orderly and make later processing easier, it is recommended 
that the user specify key-frame filenames which have a common prefix followed 
by a number indicating the time in the animation sequence at which the 
key-frame occurs.
+BRL-CAD has a utility for performing interpolation called <link 
linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link>. It operates on files containing columns 
of numbers. The left-most column is always used to hold the time in the 
animation at which the data in the other columns occurs. A column is referred 
to as a ``channel.'' Lines beginning with a ``#'' character are considered to 
be comments, and are ignored by <link linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link>. 
Table A shows an example input file for <link 
+       #Time   X       Y       Z
+       0       100     0       0
+       1        74.24  51.98   42.23
+       2       -91.85  91.85   75
+This table has four channels (columns). The leftmost channel is always the 
``time channel''. In this instance the ``time channel'' has the values 0, 1, 
and 2. The time channel has no inherent unit associated with it. These values 
could represent microseconds, seconds, minutes, etc. depending upon the motion 
being specified. The second column contains the first actual data channel in 
this file. In this instance it is an X coordinate. There are three data 
channels in this file. The contents of the file are said to form an 
interpolation table.
+To create the ``in-between'' frames of our animation, we need to extract the 
values which are arguments to the ``viewsize'', ``eye_pt'', and ``orientation'' 
commands to rt stored in the key-frame files. These values must be tabulated 
for input to <link linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link>.
+While it would be possible to concatenate the key-frame files and edit the 
result by hand to create the table, this would be tedious for all but the 
simplest animations. Instead it is recommended that a shell script such as the 
``key-chans'' shown below be employed to do the work.
+ #!/bin/sh
+    if [ "$#" != "1" ] ; then
+      echo "Usage: $0 basename"
+      exit
+    fi
+    awk '/^viewsize/ { print FILENAME " " $2}'  $1* | \
+        sed -e 's/;//' -e "s/^$1//" | sort -n > chans.vsize
+    awk '/^eye_pt/ { print FILENAME " "  $2  " " $3 " " $4}' $1* | \
+        sed -e 's/;//' -e "s/^$1//" | sort -n > chans.eyept
+    awk '/^orient/ { print FILENAME " " $2 " " $3 " " $4 " " $5}' $1* | \
+        sed -e 's/;//' -e "s/^$1//" | sort -n > chans.orient
+This shell script creates the three files <link 
linkend='vsize'>``chans.vsize'',</link><link linkend='eypet'> 
``chans.eyept''</link>, and <link linkend='orient'>``chans.orient''</link> from 
key-frame files which share the same basename (such as ``moss_''). The shared 
basename is specified on the command line.</para>
+<emphasis role="bold">% key-chans moss</emphasis>
+The files <link linkend='vsize'>``chans.vsize,</link>'' <link 
linkend='eypet'>``chans.eyept,</link>'' <link 
linkend='orient'>``chans.orient</link>'' now contain the values needed for 
interpolation. The file <link linkend='vsize'>``chans.vsize</link>'' contains 
the argument to the ``viewsize'' directive in the key-frame files. Likewise, 
<link linkend='eypet'>``chans.eyept''</link> contains the X, Y, and Z arguments 
to the ``eye_pt'' directive and <link linkend='orient'>``chans.orient</link>'' 
contains the quaternion *|* argument to the ``orientation'' directive.
+Now the key-frame data can be interpolated. The <link 
linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link> program reads commands from standard input 
until end-of-file is found. Commands specify files from which interpolation 
tables should be read, which channels in the tables should be used, what type 
of interpolation should be applied, and the range of time over which values are 
needed. When end of file is reached, <link linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link> 
performs any interpolations requested and writes out the requested results.
+<emphasis role="bold">% <link linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link> 
&#60;&#60;EOF&#62;&#62; chans.
+file chans.vsize 0;
+file chans.eyept 1 2 3;
+file chans.orient 4 5 6 7;
+times 0 8 3;
+interp spline 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
+EOF  </emphasis>
+cmd: file chans.vsize 0
+chan 0:  File 'chans.vsize', Column 1
+cmd: file chans.eyept 1 2 3
+chan 1:  File 'chans.eyept', Column 1
+chan 2:  File 'chans.eyept', Column 2
+chan 3:  File 'chans.eyept', Column 3
+cmd: file chans.orient 4 5 6 7
+chan 4:  File 'chans.orient', Column 1
+chan 5:  File 'chans.orient', Column 2
+chan 6:  File 'chans.orient', Column 3
+chan 7:  File 'chans.orient', Column 4
+cmd: times 0 8 3
+cmd: interp spline 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+performing interpolations
+writing output
+In this instance, the data from the ``viewsize'' interpolation table is read 
into channel 0 of <link linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link>. The eye point 
data is acquired from another file to fill channels 1, 2, and 3. The 
orientation table data are read into channels 4, 5, 6, and 7. The user command 
``times 0 8 3'' indicates that interpolation is to be performed for the time 
sequence starting at time 0, through time 8 with 3 frames per time step. If 
each time step represents a second, this is not enough frames per second for a 
finished product such as a videotape, but it will be sufficient to create a 
preview of the sequence. It would not be wise to expend the CPU time required 
to compute all of the frames before we are certain that we have the sequence 
+The last command to <link linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link> selects a 
spline interpolation for channels 0 through 7. When <link 
linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link> runs out of commands to process it 
performs the interpolation. The file ``chans.all'' contains the result of the 
+Each column in chans.all represents one channel from the <link 
linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link> session. The leftmost column is always the 
time channel. The column next to that is data channel 0 from the <link 
linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link> session. An examination of the time 
channel on the left will reveal that the sequence runs from time 0 through time 
8 and that there are 3 lines (frames) for every integer time step.
+This example used only spline interpolation. There are other interpolation 
techniques available including step, linear, and circular spline (cspline). 
With step interpolation, a channel value is simply copied to intermediate time 
points until a new value is encountered. The circular spline technique makes 
certain that the starting and stopping conditions of the time sequence are 
identical. The second derivative of the curve at the endpoints are made to be 
the same. This is useful when a seamless loop of values is desired.
+<section xml:id="Building_the_RT_Animation_Script">
+<title>Building the RT Animation Script</title>
+The program tabsub uses the output from a run of <link 
linkend='tabinterp'>tabinterp</link> along with a template file to write an 
animation script for rt. There are many types of ``macros'' which tabsub 
recognizes in the template. An understanding of two of these is necessary for 
the current example. The character ``@'' followed by an integer (such as @2) is 
replaced by data from the interpolation channel of that number. Note that 
``@0'' refers to values from the first data channel from the interpolation. It 
does not refer to the time channel. The macro ``@(line)'' is replaced with the 
line number of the file from which the data was read. The @(line) macro serves 
primarily to indicate the animation frame number. A template file 
(``moss.proto'' for this example) should be created:
+<emphasis role="bold">%  cat moss.proto </emphasis>
+viewsize @0;
+eye_pt @1 @2 @3;
+orientation @4 @5 @6 @7;
+start @(line);
+This file can be used in conjunction with tabsub to create an animation script 
for rt.
+% tabsub moss.proto chans.all > moss.rtanim
+The resultant file ``moss.rtanim'' is rather long, so for illustration 
purposes only the commands for the first two frames are shown here.
+% head -n 12 moss.rtanim
+viewsize 200;
+eye_pt 90.7107 70.7107 0;
+orientation 0.270598 0.653281 0.653281 0.270598;
+start 0;
+viewsize 200;
+eye_pt 90.6992 70.6992 1.11757;
+orientation 0.26908 0.649617 0.656908 0.2721;
+start 1;
+<section xml:id="Previewing_Animations_with_MGED">
+<title>Previewing Animations with MGED</title>
+<para>Under a future version of BRL-CAD and beyond, the user will have the 
ability to preview animations using mged. Users running a 4.[012] release 
should skip this section. This is a useful check to run before expending the 
CPU time to compute the images with rt.
+<emphasis role="bold">  %mged moss.g </emphasis>
+BRL-CAD Release    Graphics Editor (MGED)
+    Wed Nov 11 00:36:43 EST 1992, Compilation 770
+attach (nu|tek|tek4109|ps|plot|sgi)[nu]? <emphasis role="bold">sgi</emphasis>
+ATTACHING nu (Null Display)
+Gary Moss's ``World on a Platter'' (units=mm)
+mged>  <emphasis role="bold">preview moss.rtanim</emphasis>
+eyepoint at (0,0,1) viewspace
+db_lookup:  could not find 'EYE_PATH*'
+mged>  <emphasis role="bold">e all.g</emphasis>
+Don't let the ``db_lookup'' message frighten you. This is just mged telling 
you that there wasn't an EYE_PATH overlay prior to your first ``preview'' 
command. This is the name of the ``pseudo-object'' that mged creates for 
storing the overlay. This object is not written into the geometry database. The 
preview command paints a small ``L'' shape at the eye point for each frame and 
connects all the corners together. The location of the ``L'' indicates the 
location of the eye for the frame. The orientation of the ``L'' is in the plane 
perpendicular to the viewing direction for the frame.
+Look carefully at the path the eye will take during the animation. In this 
instance we want the path to form an arc from near one of the corners of the 
platform to a point directly over the top of the platform. Does it look like 
what was intended? Does the arc seem to pass through any of the objects? On a 
machine which supports fast polygon rendering, such as the Silicon Graphics 
Iris, displaying the geometry with the ``ev'' command instead of the ``e'' 
command will make finding eye/geometry collisions much easier.
+<section xml:id="Creating_Postage_Stamp_Animations">
+<title>Creating Postage Stamp Animations</title>
+Once you are convinced that the eye path is correct you are ready to produce a 
test animation. The file ``moss.rtanim'' can be fed directly to rt either from 
the command line or in a shell script. The invocation of moss.rt shown below 
will generate images that are 200 pixels square. This is a good size to use for 
an initial rendering. It will let us preview our animation before committing 
the resources to generate the complete animation.
+<emphasis role="bold">% cat moss.rt</emphasis>
+rt -M $* -o moss.pix moss.g 'all.g' 2>> moss.log &#47; moss.rtanim
+<emphasis role="bold">% moss.rt -s 200</emphasis>
+Once the frames have been computed, they can be turned into a ``postage stamp 
animation''. The ``pixtile'' program takes many small images and creates a 
bigger image from a mosaic of the small images. This image can then be 
displayed on a framebuffer, and the animation sequence played using the 
``fbanim'' command.
+<emphasis role="bold">
+% mv moss.pix moss.pix.0
+% fbserv -S 1024 0 /dev/sgip
+% setenv FB_FILE :0
+% pixtile -s 200 -S 1024 moss.pix | pix-fb -h
+0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
+% fbanim -S1024 -s200 -p5 200 25 3
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/moss_sm.gif" width="300"/>
+  </imageobject>
+  <textobject><phrase>An illustration of the Pythagorean 
+<link  xlink:href="../../articles/en/images/moss.mpg">
+<section xml:id="Object_Motion">
+Object Motion
+<para>Animations involving just camera motion through a static scene or around 
a static object are adequate for many different applications. Using only camera 
motion, the viewer can see what it would be like to walk through a building 
which exists only as a computer model. The view from the driver's seat of a new 
vehicle design can be created. Even a simulation of an object flying past the 
viewer can be created (by flying the viewer past the object instead).</para>
+For a variety of applications, the true value of animation is realized only 
when the geometric objects themselves have motion. Perhaps a vehicle drives 
past a familiar stationary landmark and the eye follows the vehicle away after 
it enters the scene. As the vehicle drives over a bump in the road the 
suspension system is seen to flex and energy is transferred to the frame. 
Things which cannot ordinarily be seen can be made more visible by watching 
them change over time. As our vehicle crosses a bridge, its weight causes it to 
flex and vibrate even after the vehicle is gone. These effects could be made 
visible by amplifying them until they are readily observable.
+<section xml:id="Matrix_Manipulations">
+<title>Matrix Manipulations</title>
+The animation of objects is accomplished by specifying matrix transformations 
to be applied to database elements before each image is calculated. This allows 
any solid or combination in the model to have its definition independently 
rotated, moved, or re-sized as the animation proceeds.
+In BRL-CAD matrices are stored in a traditional mathematics form. This is 
different from (the transpose of) the form used in most texts on computer 
graphics. In BRL-CAD matrices are stored as follows:
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/matrix.gif" width="100" />
+  </imageobject>
+As a result, points and vectors in 3 dimensional space are represented as 
4-tuple column vectors. Points and vectors are therefore properly transformed 
by the matrix equation:
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/equation.gif" width="300"/>
+  </imageobject>
+Individuals who are unfamiliar with matrix transformations in general and 
homogeneous coordinate systems in specific are urged to study one of the many 
texts on this subject.
+The matrix operations in a BRL-CAD database can be thought of as living in the 
arcs of the directed acyclic graph. In slightly simpler terms, the matrix lives 
between an object (either primitive solid or combination record) and the parent 
combination record in the model tree. The model coordinate system is on the 
``left'' end of a ``stack'' of matrix multiplications which is built up as the 
graph is traversed. When traversing the graph from the root to the leaves, 
matrices encountered on the arcs are applied to the ``right'' of the matrix 
equation. For example, the graph formed by ``all.g'' from our geometry file 
``moss.g'' can be thought of as the following table:
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/dagtbl.gif" width="400" />
+  </imageobject>
+Purists will note that MatrixA is not directly stored in the database. It 
exists as a conceptual aid to editing models and creating animations. In 
reality MatrixA will be combined with each of the matrices MatrixPr, MatrixBr, 
MatrixEr, MatrixCr, MatrixTr, MatrixLr from the table above.
+The program rt would transform the origin (and other parameters) of ``tor'' 
with the following matrix equation:
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/trans.gif"/>
+  </imageobject>
+<section xml:id="The_RT_Matrix_Operations_for_Animation">
+<title>The RT Matrix Operations for Animation</title>
+Each of the matrices in the database can be altered individually during the 
animation. It is also possible to replace the ``stack'' matrix which has been 
accumulated. These operations are achieved with the ``anim'' command in the 
input script to rt. The command has the form:
+anim Path matrix Operation  [Matrix];
+where Path specifies the arc where the operation takes place. Either a 
specific use of the matrix within the model, or all uses of an arc within the 
model can be specified.
+where Path specifies the arc where the operation takes place. Either a 
specific use of the matrix within the model, or all uses of an arc within the 
model can be specified.
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/animtbl.gif"/>
+  </imageobject>
+       For example, the following command always replaces the matrix on the 
arc between ``arm'' and ``hand'' with a new matrix:
+               anim arm/hand matrix rarc
+               1    0    0    0
+               0    1    0    0
+               0    0    1    0
+               0    0    0    1
+ </para>
+ <para>
+       Whereas in the next example the matrix will be replaced only when 
``arm/hand'' occurs as a direct child of ``body/left'' in the database tree. 
This would permit the left and right hands to be modeled as different instances 
of a single hand prototype, and still allow the left hand to be manipulated 
without affecting the right hand.
+               anim body/left/arm/hand matrix rarc
+               1    0    0    0
+               0    1    0    0
+               0    0    1    0
+               0    0    0    1;
+       Finally, a command of the form:
+               anim hand matrix rarc
+               1    0    0    0
+               0    1    0    0
+               0    0    1    0
+               0    0    0    1;
+       </programlisting>
+operates on any arc which ends in a node called ``hand'' regardless of where 
it occurs in the model hierarchy. Note that element ``hand'' in these examples 
above is not a leaf node (primitive solid) in the model graph (With version 4.2 
of BRL-CAD and beyond the user will be able to manipulate the matrices on the 
arcs between primitive solids and their parent combinations).
+All object parameters in the database are stored using millimeters as the unit 
of measure. As a result, all matrix operations are carried out in units of 
millimeters. It is important to remember this when preparing matrices for use 
with the rt anim command. An example rt session will serve to illustrate the 
proper use of the anim command.
+The following shell script ``'' runs rt to create two separate images. 
The first is saved in the file ``trans.pix.1'' and is approximately the view 
selected for the key-frame ``moss_8'' in Section 2. The ``pix-fb'' utility can 
be used to display these images on the framebuffer.
+rt -M $* -o trans.pix moss.g 'all.g' 2>> trans.log &#60;&#60;EOF
+viewsize 200;
+eye_pt 20.0 0.0 100;
+orientation 0.0 0.0 0.924 0.383;
+start 1;
+start 2;
+anim all.g/tor.r matrix rarc
+        1 0 0  0
+        0 1 0 80
+        0 0 1  0
+        0 0 0  1;
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/transboth.gif"/>
+  </imageobject>
+The second image is saved in ``trans.pix.2'' and is the same except that the 
matrix on the arc between ``all.g'' and ``tor.r'' is replaced with a new 
matrix. This matrix has the effect of translating the torus 80 millimeters 
along the Y axis of the model coordinate system.
+<section xml:id="Preparing_an_Animation_with_Motion">
+<title>Preparing an Animation with Motion</title>
+It is time to re-visit the animation sequence we developed in Section 2. We 
are going to add animation of the objects in the scene to the existing 
eye-point movement already created. The ellipsoid will be given a constant 
velocity along a vector which will take it through the center of the torus.
+To make the ellipsoid pass through the center of the torus we must determine 
the vector from the center vertex of ``ellipse.s'' to the center vertex of 
+<emphasis role="bold">% mged moss.g </emphasis>
+BRL-CAD Release 4.1   Graphics Editor (MGED)
+    Tue Oct 20 14:19:59 EDT 1992, Compilation 5
+    stay@vail:/n/wolf/m/dist4.1/mged
+attach (nu|tek|tek4109|ps|plot|sgi|X)[nu]? <emphasis role="bold">sgi</emphasis>
+Gary Moss's "World on a Platter" (units=mm)
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">l all.g</emphasis>
+all.g:  all.g (len 6) --
+  u platform.r
+  u box.r [-23.6989,13.41,8.02399]
+  u cone.r [22.0492,12.2349,2.11125e-07]
+  u ellipse.r [14.6793,-41.6077,38.7988]
+  u tor.r
+  u light.r
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">l ellipse.s</emphasis>
+ellipse.s:  ellipsoid (ELL)
+        V (16.1309, 46.6556, -3.72252)
+        A (14.8761, 0, 0) mag=14.8761
+        B (0, 8.98026, -8.98026) mag=12.7
+        C (0, 8.98026, 8.98026) mag=12.7
+        A direction cosines=(0.0, 90, 90)
+        A rotation angle=0, fallback angle=0
+        B direction cosines=(90.0, 45, 135)
+        B rotation angle=90, fallback angle=-45
+        C direction cosines=(90.0, 45, 45)
+        C rotation angle=90, fallback angle=45
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">l tor</emphasis>
+tor:  torus (TOR)
+        V (4.91624, -32.8022, 31.7118), r1=25.4 (A), r2=5.08 (H)
+        N=(0, 1, 0)
+        A=(0, 0, 1)
+        B=(1, 0, 0)
+        vector to inner edge = (0, 0, 20.32)
+        vector to outer edge = (0, 0, 30.48)
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">q</emphasis>
+Doing a little vector math we find the vertex of the ``ellipse.s'' as it is 
found in ``all.g'' is at:
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/v_eqn1.gif" width="300"/>
+  </imageobject>
+<link  xlink:href="../../articles/en/images/ell.mpg">
+Now we subtract this from the origin of ``tor'' to get a vector that will 
translate ``ellipse.s'' to the center of the torus. This vector is scaled by a 
factor to 2 to get a ``net displacement'' vector for the ellipsoid.
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/v_eqn2.gif" width="400"/>
+  </imageobject>
+We can now create a new interpolation table with motion values to be 
interpolated. The ellipse will start moving half a second after the sequence 
starts. It will reach its destination half a second before the end of the 
sequence. Assuming that the time channel is being specified in units of 
seconds, the following table results:
+<emphasis role="bold">chans.ellanim</emphasis>
+               0.5     0          0       0
+       7.25  -51.78792  -75.7002 -6.72896
+The interpolation is done much as it was in Section 2. The data from 
``chans.ellanim'' is read into interpolation channels 8, 9, and 10 within 
tabinterp. The use of linear interpolation ensures that the ellipse will move 
at a constant rate to its destination.
+  <emphasis role="bold">
+% tabinterp &#60;&#60; EOF &#62; chans.all
+file chans.vsize 0;
+file chans.eyept 1 2 3;
+file chans.orient 4 5 6 7;
+file chans.ellanim 8 9 10;
+times 0 8 3;
+interp spline 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
+interp linear 8 9 10;
+EOF </emphasis>
+cmd: file chans.vsize 0
+chan 0:  File 'chans.vsize', Column 1
+cmd: file chans.eyept 1 2 3
+chan 1:  File 'chans.eyept', Column 1
+chan 2:  File 'chans.eyept', Column 2
+chan 3:  File 'chans.eyept', Column 3
+cmd: file chans.orient 4 5 6 7
+chan 4:  File 'chans.orient', Column 1
+chan 5:  File 'chans.orient', Column 2
+chan 6:  File 'chans.orient', Column 3
+chan 7:  File 'chans.orient', Column 4
+cmd: file chans.ellanim 8 9 10
+chan 8:  File 'chans.ellanim', Column 1
+chan 9:  File 'chans.ellanim', Column 2
+chan 10:  File 'chans.ellanim', Column 3
+cmd: times 0 8 3
+cmd: interp spline 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+cmd: interp linear 8 9 10
+performing interpolations
+writing output
+An appropriate template such as the one below must be created for use with 
+<emphasis role="bold">
+% cat ell.proto</emphasis>
+viewsize @0;
+eye_pt @1 @2 @3;
+orientation @4 @5 @6 @7;
+start @(line);
+anim all.g/ellipse.r matrix rmul
+  1 0 0 @8
+  0 1 0 @9
+  0 0 1 @10
+  0 0 0 1;
+<emphasis role="bold">% tabsub ell.proto chans.all > ell.rtanim</emphasis>
+<para>Note the use of the ``clean'' command to rt at the beginning of each 
frame in the template. This is required after the ``start'' for each frame in 
rt animation scripts which use the ``anim'' command. This command tells rt 
(librt actually) to forget any accumulated animation matrices, thereby 
restoring the geometry to the form it has in the database.</para>
+We can preview the path that the ellipse will take by creating a plot file 
which can be used as an overlay in mged. (In version 4.2 of BRL-CAD and beyond 
the animation sequence can also be viewed using the mged ``preview'' command.)
+<emphasis role="bold">% awk '{print $2+30.8102 " " $3+5.0479 " " $4+35.07628}' 
chans.ellanim | \
+xyz-pl ></emphasis>
+<emphasis role="bold">% mged moss.g</emphasis>
+BRL-CAD Release 4.2   Graphics Editor (MGED)
+    Wed Nov 11 00:36:43 EST 1992, Compilation 770
+attach (nu|tek|tek4109|ps|plot|sgi|X)[nu]? <emphasis role="bold">sgi</emphasis>
+Gary Moss's "World on a Platter" (units=mm)
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">e all.g</emphasis>
+408 vectors in 0.459896 sec
+mged> <emphasis role="bold">overlay</emphasis>
+db_lookup:  could not find '_PLOT_OVER*'
+The ``overlay'' command creates pseudo entries of the form ``_PLOT_OVERLAY_'' 
in the version of the database in memory. These are used to store the vectors 
of the overlay. They are never actually objects in the geometric database on 
disk. The next time the overlay command is given, the ``_PLOT_OVER*'' objects 
are removed and re-created. As a result, the message:
+db_lookup:  could not find '_PLOT_OVER*
+is not a cause for concern.
+Once again, a postage stamp animation can be created to view the positioning 
and motion of the camera and objects.
+<emphasis role="bold">
+% rt -M -s200 -o ell.pix moss.g 'all.g' >&#38; ell.log &#60; ell.rtanim
+% mv ell.pix ell.pix.0
+% pixtile -s 200 -S1024 ell.pix | pix-fb -h
+0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
+% fbanim -h -p 5 200 25 3
+  <imageobject>
+    <imagedata fileref="../../articles/en/images/ell_sm.gif" scale="50"/>
+  </imageobject>
+The pixtile program creates a mosaic of the smaller image on the framebuffer. 
The resultant framebuffer image is animated using the fbanim program.
+<section xml:id="Computing_Video_Frames">
+<title>Computing Video Frames</title>
+<title>Computing Video Frames</title>
+With the animation tables used in the moving ellipsoid example from Section 3, 
we can create all the frames for a full-speed videotape recording. It is 
important to avoid file name conflicts between the images created for the 
postage stamp animation and the frames for the video. Either tell rt to create 
frames with different names, or the postage stamp frames must be renamed or 
removed before computing the video frames. Failure to do so will cause rt to 
believe that the postage stamp frames are completed frames for the video 
animation. In the following example, the frames will be created with the name 
``ell_vid.pix'' to avoid conflict.
+The arguments to the ``times'' command of tabinterp is slightly different from 
the previous example. The difference is the number of frames per integer time 
step (seconds) is increased from 3 to 30.
+<emphasis role="bold">% tabinterp &#60;&#60; EOF &#62; chans.all
+file chans.vsize 0;
+file chans.eyept 1 2 3;
+file chans.orient 4 5 6 7;
+file chans.ellanim 8 9 10;
+times 0 8 30;
+interp spline 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
+interp linear 8 9 10;
+cmd: file chans.vsize 0
+chan 0:  File 'chans.vsize', Column 1
+cmd: file chans.eyept 1 2 3
+chan 1:  File 'chans.eyept', Column 1
+chan 2:  File 'chans.eyept', Column 2
+chan 3:  File 'chans.eyept', Column 3
+cmd: file chans.orient 4 5 6 7
+chan 4:  File 'chans.orient', Column 1
+chan 5:  File 'chans.orient', Column 2
+chan 6:  File 'chans.orient', Column 3
+chan 7:  File 'chans.orient', Column 4
+cmd: file chans.ellanim 8 9 10
+chan 8:  File 'chans.ellanim', Column 1
+chan 9:  File 'chans.ellanim', Column 2
+chan 10:  File 'chans.ellanim', Column 3
+cmd: times 0 8 30
+cmd: interp spline 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+cmd: interp linear 8 9 10
+performing interpolations
+writing output
+The new prototype contains an invocation of the ``'' script to 
process each image as it is completed.
+<emphasis role="bold">% cat ell.proto.2</emphasis>
+viewsize @0;
+eye_pt @1 @2 @3;
+orientation @4 @5 @6 @7;
+start @(line);
+anim all.g/ellipse.r matrix rmul
+  1 0 0 @8
+  0 1 0 @9
+  0 0 1 @10
+  0 0 0 1;
+! ell_vid.pix @(line);
+<emphasis role="bold">% tabsub ell.proto.2 chans.all > ell.rtanim</emphasis>
+It is likely to be quite a while before all the images are computed. The 
rendering should be done as a batch job or detached process using a script 
similar to the ``ell2.rt'' script below.
+<emphasis role="bold">% cat ell2.rt</emphasis>
+rt -M -w1440 -n 972 -V1440:972 -J1 -o ell_vid.pix moss.g all.g 2>> ell.log 
&#60; ell.rtanim
+<emphasis role="bold">% ell2.rt &#38;</emphasis>
+For instance it took almost ten hours to compute and process the 241 1440x972 
images of our trivial geometry for an 8 second animation on a Silicon Graphics 
4D/280. The final compressed images occupied approximately 39 MB of disk space.
+<section xml:id="Recording_Videotape">
+<title>Recording Videotape</title>
+<title>Recording Videotape</title>
+<para>Once all the frames have been computed it is time to record them onto 
videotape. There are a variety of tools and techniques for accomplishing this 
task. See [Kennedy91] for a description of some of the variety of equipment 
which has been used at the Army Research Laboratory for this purpose. Only one 
of these techniques will be covered here.
+The Abekas A60 digital video disk stores 25 seconds or 750 frames of video on 
a high-performance disk. Frames on this disk can be played at full video speed. 
The A60 provides video output as both CCIR 601 digital video and an analog 
signal that is either R,G,B or Y,R-Y,B-Y. This analog signal can be readily 
converted to a format for input to a video tape recorder.
+Frames can be stored on disk either from a video input or by loading 
individual frames through an ethernet interface. It is the latter which makes 
the device particularly useful in creating computer-generated video productions.
+Under BRL-CAD, access to the Abekas A60 is achieved through the framebuffer 
library. *|* Conceptually, the A60 has 750 unique framebuffers. The framebuffer 
device ``/dev/ab'' supports the A60. There are two very important options to 
this particular framebuffer. The first specifies the host address of the A60 on 
the TCP/IP network. The host name or address for the A60 is specified by an 
at-sign ``@'' followed by the appropriate name or address. For example, the 
framebuffer device ``/dev/ab@vidisk'' specifies that an A60 connected to the 
network with the host name of ``vidisk'' should be used. The individual frame 
(or framebuffer) within the A60 is specified by a sharp-sign ``#'' followed by 
the integer frame number. Thus the full specification of a framebuffer device 
might be:
+    /dev/ab@vidisk#27</para>
+This specifies the frame 27 on the Abekas A60 with the host name ``vidisk''. 
This can be used with any of the framebuffer utilities, such as the ``pix-fb'' 
utility shown here:  </para>
+<para><emphasis role="bold">% pix-fb -F/dev/ab@vidisk#27 -w 720 -n 486 
+This loads the image file ``ell_vid.pix'' into frame number 27 on the A60 
called ``vidisk''.
+Two more options worth noting are the ``o'' and ``v'' options to the A60 
framebuffer device. The ``o'' option indicates that this is an ``output only'' 
access of the framebuffer. The overhead of retrieving the image already in the 
framebuffer is skipped when this option is specified. The ``v'' option turns on 
verbose logging of the access to the framebuffer. This is primarily useful to 
enable the user to watch the progress of the framebuffer access.
+This can be generalized into a shell loop to load the 241 ``ell_vid.pix'' 
images into the A60.
+<emphasis role="bold">
+% mv ell_vid.pix ell_vid.pix.0
+% foreach i (`loop 0 240`)
+? pix-fb -F/dev/abov@vidisk#$i -w 720 -n 486 ell_vid.pix.$i
+? end
+In this example successive images are loaded into successive video frames 
(framebuffers) in the A60. As each frame is loaded, the user will see output 
indicating that the image is converted to YUV format and then loaded into the 
+Once the entire sequence (or a 25 second segment) has been loaded into the 
A60, the sequence can be played and captured using a video tape recorder. A 
collection of 25 second video sequences can be edited together using a 
television studio or post-production facility to create longer sequences.
+<section xml:id="Conclusion">
+<para>Visualization of models in BRL-CAD need not be restricted to viewing 
static images. With the use of tabinterp and tabsub the task of creating motion 
picture sequences becomes quite manageable. The result is that models can be 
viewed from a variety of positions as they move, change, and evolve over time.
+The tools discussed represent only one conceptual approach to the problem of 
specifying frames to be generated for an animation sequence. With the advent of 
ubiquitous desktop graphics displays, it should be possible to create the 
sequences using a more visual and interactive approach. Creating tools for this 
remains an area for further work.
+The authors wish to thank Mike Muuss and Phil Dykstra for creating the 
animation capabilities within rt and mged. The authors also thank Mike Muuss 
for providing the documentation for tabinterp and tabsub that appears in 
Appendix A and Appendix B respectively.
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+  <title>Television Engineering Handbook</title>
+  <authorgroup>
+    <author>
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+    </personname>
+    </author>
+    </authorgroup>
+  <publisher>
+    <publishername>McGraw-Hill Book Company</publishername>
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+  <biblioid class="isbn">ISBN 0-07-004779-0</biblioid>
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+  <title>An Integrated Environment for Army Navy and Air Force Target 
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+    <firstname>W. H.</firstname><surname>  Mermagen</surname>
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+    <firstname>Jr., P. R.</firstname><surname>  Stay</surname>
+      </personname>
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+    <publishername>held at the Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA, May 
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+  <title>Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice</title>
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+      <firstname>Andries </firstname><surname>van Dam</surname>
+    </author>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>Steven K.</firstname><surname> Feiner</surname>
+    </author>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>John F. </firstname><surname>Hughes</surname>
+    </author>
+    </authorgroup>
+  <publisher>
+    <publishername>   Addison-Wesley Publishing Company   </publishername>
+  </publisher>
+  <copyright><year>1992</year></copyright>
+  <biblioid class="isbn">ISBN 0-201-12110-7</biblioid>
+ <biblioentry>
+  <abbrev>Kennedy91</abbrev>
+  <title>``Video Hardware for Making Movies'', in Proceedings of the 1991 
BRL-CAD Symposium</title>
+    <authorgroup>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>Charles M. </firstname><surname>Kennedy</surname>
+    </author>
+    </authorgroup>
+  <publisher>
+    <publishername> held at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland</publishername>
+  </publisher>
+  <copyright><year>May 7-9 1991</year></copyright>
+    <title>``The Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD Package Release 4.0 
Manuals, Volume V, Analyst's Manual'' Page V5S14A01</title>
+ <biblioentry>
+  <abbrev>Muuss88a</abbrev>
+  <title>``Understanding the Preparation and Analysis of Solid Models'', in 
``Techniques for Computer Graphics'',</title>
+    <author>
+      <personname>
+        <firstname>ed: Rogers &#32; Earnshaw, Springer Verlag,</firstname>
+        </personname>
+        </author>
+        <address>New York,</address> <pagenums>pages 109-172. </pagenums>
+  <authorgroup>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>M.  </firstname><surname>Muuss</surname>
+    </authorgroup>
+<biblioid class="isbn">ISBN 0-387-96492-4 also ISBN 3-540-96492-4</biblioid>
+<title>``The Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD Package Release 4.0 Manuals, 
Volume V, Analyst's Manual'' Page V5S08A05.
+ <biblioentry>
+  <abbrev>Muuss88b</abbrev>
+  <title>``The RT Lighting Model''. in Proceedings of the BRL-CAD Symposium 
'88,held at the Ballistic Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, 
Maryland,  </title>
+  <authorgroup>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>M.  </firstname><surname>Muuss</surname>
+    </authorgroup>
+    <biblioset>
+  <copyright><year>June 28, 1988.</year></copyright>
+<biblioid class="isbn">ISBN 0-387-96492-4 also ISBN 3-540-96492-4</biblioid>
+<title>The Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD Package Release 4.0 
+<volumenum> Volume V Analyst's Manual</volumenum>
+  <abbrev>Muuss90a</abbrev>
+  <title>`Workstations, Networking, Distributed Graphics, and Parallel 
Processing'' in Computer Graphics Techniques: Theory and Practice,  </title>
+  <authorgroup>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>M. J.</firstname><surname> Muuss</surname>
+    </author>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>ed. D. F.</firstname><surname> Rogers,</surname>
+    </author>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>R. A. </firstname><surname> Earnshaw, </surname>
+    </author>
+    </authorgroup>
+  <copyright><year>1990.</year></copyright>
+<biblioid class="isbn">ISBN 0-387-97237-4</biblioid>
+<title>``The Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD Package Release 4.0 
+<volumenum> Volume V, Analyst's Manual''</volumenum>
+<pagenums>Page V5S10A03.</pagenums>
+  <abbrev>Newman79</abbrev>
+  <title>Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, 2nd ed.,  </title>
+  <authorgroup>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>W. M. </firstname><surname>Newman</surname>
+    </author>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>R. F. </firstname><surname>Sproull</surname>
+    </author>
+    </authorgroup>
+  <publisher>
+    <publishername>McGraw-Hill, New York,</publishername>
+  </publisher>
+  <copyright><year>1979.</year></copyright>
+<biblioid class="isbn"> ISBN 0-07-046338-7</biblioid>
+  <abbrev>Rogers90</abbrev>
+  <title>Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, 2nd ed</title>
+  <authorgroup>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>D. F. </firstname><surname>Rogers</surname>
+    </author>
+    <author>
+      <firstname>J. A. </firstname><surname>Adams</surname>
+    </author>
+    </authorgroup>
+  <publisher>
+    <publishername>McGraw-Hill, New York,</publishername>
+  </publisher>
+  <copyright><year>1990.</year></copyright>
+<biblioid class="isbn"> ISBN 0-07-053529-9 (hard cover) ISBN 0-07-053530-2 
(soft cover)</biblioid>
+  <abbrev>Shoemake85</abbrev>
+  <title>Animating Rotation with Quaternion Curves Computer Graphics,</title>
+<volumenum> . 18</volumenum>  <volumenum>No. 3,</volumenum> <copyright><year> 
July 1985,</year> <holder>SIGGraph '85 Proceedings</holder></copyright>
+<section xml:id="Appendix_A">
+<title>Appendix A</title>
+<section xml:id='tabinterp'>
+<para>tabinterp - combine and interpolate multiple data files to create an 
animation script</para>
+<section xml:id="SYNOPSIS1">
+<para><emphasis role="bold">tabinterp ></emphasis></para>
+<section xml:id="DESCRIPTION1">
+<para>tabinterp reads a series of commands from standard input which designate 
what parts of various data files should be used as input tables for various 
channels of animation parameters. Commands may extend across multiple lines, 
and are semi-colon (';') terminated. Each channel is then interpolated using 
one of a variety of interpolation techniques to provide an output table which 
has one line for each time step.</para>
+The overall notion is based on parameter tables. Each table is arranged so 
that every row (line) represents the state of some set of parameters at a given 
time. Each column of the table represents a single parameter, or data channel, 
with the left-most column always representing time.
+The first task in preparing to use tabinterp (1) is to assign specific 
purposes to each channel in the output table. For example, channels 0, 1, and 2 
might be used to represent the X, Y, and Z positions of an object, 
respectively, while channels 3, 4, and 5 might be used to represent the "aim 
point" of the virtual camera, while channel 6 might be used to represent the 
brightness of one of the objects or light sources, and channel 7 might be used 
to represent the zoom factor (viewsize) of the virtual camera. Once the channel 
assignment has been decided upon, the source file containing the table of raw 
values for each channel must be identified. Several output channels may get 
their raw values from different columns of a single input table (file). Up to 
64 columns of input may appear in an input table.
+For each file which contains an input table, the file command is given to load 
the necessary columns of raw values into the output channels. If a channel 
number in the list is given as a minus ('-'), that input column is skipped. 
Using the output channel assignments given above as an example, if an input 
table named "table1" existed which consisted of five columns of values 
representing (time, brightness, objX, objY, objZ), then these values would be 
loaded with this command:
+file filename chan_num(s);
+   file table1 6 0 1 2;
+This command indicates that from the file "table1", the current time and four 
columns of parameters should be read into the raw output table, with the first 
input column representing the time, the second input column representing the 
value for output channel 6 (brightness), the third input column representing 
the value for output channel 0 (objX), etc. Each row of the input file must fit 
on a single (newline terminated) line of text, with columns separated by one or 
more spaces and tabs.
+After all the file commands have been given, it is necessary to define over 
what range of time values found in the raw output table will be processed, and 
how many rows of interpolated output should be produced for each second (time 
unit) in the input file. This can be thought of as the "frames per second" rate 
of the interpolation, and is usually set to 24 for film (cine) work, 30 for 
NTSC video, and 60 for field-at-a-time NTSC video. Any positive integer value 
is acceptable. (In fact, any time unit can be used, as the time channel is 
dimensionless. Nothing depends on the units being seconds.) For example, the 
+ times start stop fps;
+   times 1 7.3 24;
+would cause tabinterp to process data values from time 1 second to 7.3 
seconds, producing 24 output rows uniformly separated in time for the passage 
of each second.
+After the times command has been given, it is necessary to associate an 
interpolator procedure or a "value generator" procedure with each output 
channel. The available interpolator procedures are: step, linear, spline, 
cspline, and quat For example, the command:
+  interp type chan_num(s);
+   interp linear 3 4 5;
+would indicate that output channels 3, 4, and 5 (representing the camera aim 
point) would be processed using linear interpolation. If only a starting and 
ending values are given in the input (i.e. the input file had only two rows), 
then this is an easy way of moving something from one place to another. In this 
case, if more than two input rows had been provided, there would be a 
noticeable "jerk" as the camera passed through each of the input parameter 
values, an effect which is rarely desired. To avoid this, the spline 
interpolator can be used, which fits an interpolating spline (with open end 
conditions) through the given data values, resulting in smooth motion. If the 
starting and ending values are the same, a continuous spline (with closed end 
conditions) can be used instead by specifying cspline. Both of the spline 
interpolators require at least three rows to have been provided in the input 
+If the output values are to "jump" from one input value to the next, (i.e. no 
interpolation at all is desired), then specify step. This can be useful for 
having lights switch between several intensities (for example, a 3-way bulb 
with 30, 70, and 100 watt settings), or for having objects "teleport" into 
position at just the right moment.
+The interpolation method indicated on the interp command is assigned to all 
the output channels listed. One exception to this rule is the quat (Quaternion) 
interpolator. Quaternions are used to describe an orientation in space, and can 
be most easily thought of as containing a vector in space, from which they 
obtain a pointing direction, and a "twist" angle around that vector. To do 
this, quaternions are processed in blocks of four channels, which must be 
numbered sequentially (e.g. channels 7, 8, 9, 10). Giving the command
+interp quat 7 15;
+assigns the quaternion interpolator to two blocks of four channels, the block 
starting with channel 7 (e.g. channels 7, 8, 9, 10), and the block starting 
with channel 15.
+tabinterp is strictly an interpolator. It will not extrapolate values before 
the first input value, nor after the last output value. The first or last value 
is simple repeated.
+In addition to interpolation, it is possible to specify rate and acceleration 
based output channels. In cases where the exact running time of a scene is not 
known, the rate and accel commands can be quite useful. One command is given 
for each output channel. For example,
+   rate chan_num init_value incr_per_sec;
+   rate 6 1.5 0.5;
+says to make channel 6 a rate based channel, with the initial value (at 
time=0) of 1.5, linearly increasing with an increment of 0.5 for the passing of 
every additional second. In this case, the value would be 2.0 at time=1, 2.5 at 
time=2, and so on. This can be used to establish linear changes where it is the 
increment and not the final value that is important. For example, the rotation 
angle of a helicopter rotor could be specified in this way.
+Similarly, the command
+   accel chan_num init_value mult_per_sec;
+   accel 5 10 2;
+says to make channel 5 an acceleration based channel, with the initial value 
at time=0 of 10.0, which is multiplied by 2 for every additional second. In 
this case, the value would be 20.0 at time=1, and 40.0 at time=2. This can be 
useful to create constant acceleration, such as a car accelerating smoothly 
away from its position at rest in front of a stop sign. If the initial value is 
zero, all subsequent values will also be zero.
+Sometimes it is desirable to create an output channel which looks ahead (or 
behind) in time. For example, a good way to animate a rocket flying on a 
complex course would be to simply animate the position of the base of the 
rocket, and then look ahead in time to see where the rocket is going to go next 
in order to determine where to aim the nose of the rocket (by rotating it). 
This kind of lookahead is easily implemented using the next command. (See also 
the fromto directive in tabsub (1) which is used in conjunction with this). The 
+   next dest_chan src_chan nsamp;
+   next 4 5 +3;
+says to fill channel 4 with the values that will be present in channel 5 at 3 
output rows later on. Negative values are also permitted. Since the lookahead 
is defined in terms of output rows rather than time steps, this means that the 
values generated for this column will change as the frames per second (fps) 
value on the times command is changed. This is almost always the effect which 
is desired, since as the temporal resolution of the interpolation is increased, 
the accuracy of the look-ahead will increase as well. However, if the effect 
desired is one of "have the camera track where the main actor was three seconds 
ago", then the number of steps given here will have to be changed when the fps 
value is changed. Be careful of the values generated for the last (or first) 
nsamp output rows. Looking forward or backward in time beyond the bounds of the 
interpolation will retrieve the last (or first) output values. So it takes 
nsamp output rows to "prime the pumps".
+Whenever a pound sign ('#') is encountered in the command input, all 
characters from there to the end of the input line are discarded. This is the 
same commenting convention used in the Bourne shell, sh (1).
+When tabinterp encounters an end-of-file on its standard input, it computes 
the requested interpolations, and writes the output table on standard output. 
If no values have been assigned to an output channel, then the value given is a 
single dot ('.'). This preserves the positional white-space-separated columns 
nature of the output table. If this column is read as a numeric value by a 
downstream program, it will be accepted as a valid floating-point zero.
+As an aid to debugging, it is possible to dump the raw values of columns of 
the output table before the interpolation is run:
+   idump;
+   idump chan_num(s);
+If no output channel numbers are given, all channels are dumped, otherwise 
only the indicated channels are dumped.
+The help command can be given to get a list of all available commands. (Don't 
forget the semi-colon).
+<section xml:id="EXAMPLE1">
+What follows here is a Bourne shell script which will generate two input 
tables using "here documents", and will then produce an interpolated output 
table of 8 channels.
+cat &#60;&#60;   EOF &#62; table.aim
+-1   0 0 0    42 250
+3    1 2 3    28 300
+7    3 4 5    17 350
+cat &#60;&#60; EOF &#62; table.obj
+0    17 38 44
+2    43 47 3
+4    99 23 18
+tabinterp &#60;&#60; EOF &#62;
+# Channel allocations:
+#  0,1,2  objX, objY, objZ  main actor position
+#  3,4,5  aimX, aimY, aimZ  camera aim point
+#      6  light brightness
+#      7  viewsize
+# Input table column allocations:
+#   time, aimX, aimY, aimZ, junk, viewsize
+file table.aim 3 4 5 - 7;
+# Input table column allocations:
+#   time, objX, objY, obxZ
+file table.obj 0 1 2;
+# Channel 6 is not read in here,
+#   but is rate base.
+# Tstart, Tstop, fps
+times 0 4 30;
+# Assign interpolators to output channels
+rate 6 1000 50;
+# 1000 lumen bulb keeps getting brighter...
+interp linear 0 1 2;
+interp spline 3 4 5;
+interp spline 7;
+Try clipping this example out of the manual page (usually found in 
/usr/brlcad/man/man1/tabinterp.1) and running it. This example will be 
continued in the manual page for tabsub (1).
+<section xml:id="POST_PROCESSING">
+<title>POST PROCESSING</title>
+<para>Because both the input and output tables consist of a single line of 
text for each time step, many of the standard UNIX tools can be brought to bear 
to assist in creating an animation. To visualize the exact position taken by 
the aim point in the example (output channels 3, 4, 5), a UNIX-plot file of 
that trajectory can be created with:
+   cut -f5,6,7 | xyz-pl >
+   cut -f1,5,6,7 | txyz-pl >
+Similarly, the position of the main object can be viewed with
+   cut -f2,3,4 | xyz-pl >
+tabinterp uses 0-based column numbering, while cut uses 1-based column 
numbering. Also, the first output column from tabinterp is always the time. The 
0-th data column comes second.
+The plot file just created can be viewed using pl-fb (1) or pl-sgi (1), or it 
can be viewed in mged (1) by giving the command
+   overlay
+to mged. If the model geometry is brought into view using the mged e command, 
then the camera aim track (or any other spatial parameter) can be viewed in 
direct relationship to the three dimensional geometry which is going to be 
+<section xml:id="PREPARING_INPUT_TABLES">
+<para>The mged (1) savekey and saveview commands can be very useful for 
creating the input tables necessary for driving tabinterp. The details of doing 
this are beyond the scope of this manual page.
+The awk (1) command can also be useful for routing through the output files of 
existing scientific analysis programs, and extracting the few gems of data 
buried in the heaps of "printout".
+<section xml:id="SEE_ALSO">
+<title>SEE ALSO</title>
+tabsub(1), xyz-pl(1), txyz-pl(1), cut(1), paste(1), rt(1), mged(1)</para>
+<section xml:id="DIAGNOSTICS">
+In its present form, the program is a bit verbose, reporting on the progress 
of each command on standard error. This behavior will probably be placed under 
control of a -v flag in a future version.
+<section xml:id="BUGS">
+You can't grep dead trees.
+<section xml:id="AUTHOR">
+Michael John Muuss
+<section xml:id="SOURCE">
+The U. S. Army Research Laboratory
+Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland  21005
+<section xml:id="BUG_REPORTS">
+<title>BUG REPORTS</title>
+Reports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to
+<section xml:id="Appendix_B">
+<title>Appendix B</title>
+<section xml:id="NAME">
+<para>tabsub - macro expand an input table into an animation script</para>
+<section xml:id="SYNOPSIS">
+<emphasis role="bold">tabsub template_file &#60; &#62;&#62; 
+<section xml:id="DESCRIPTION">
+tabsub takes as input a data table on standard input (such as might have been 
produced by tabinterp (1) or similar tool), and a template file named on the 
command line. For each row (line) of the input table, one complete copy of the 
template file is output on standard output. As the template is output, any 
macro invocations in the template file are replaced with the data values from 
the input table's current row. In the input table, any blank lines or lines 
with a pound sign ('#') as the first character are ignored, allowing comments 
to be added to the input table.
+Macro invocations in the template file all begin with an at-sign ('@'). In 
order to send an at-sign through to the output, a second at-sign must 
immediately follow it, e.g. when '@@' is encountered in the template, a single 
'@' is output. To output the data value found in a given channel in the current 
input row of the data table, the at-sign is followed by the channel number, 
e.g. to output the value in channel four, specify '@4', and to output the value 
in channel 42, specify '@42'. In some circumstances it my be desirable to 
highlight the difference between channel value substitution, and literal 
numeric values. To facilitate this, the channel number may be enclosed in 
parenthesis to explicitly delimit the macro invocation. For example, channel 
four could also be specified as '@(4)', and channel 42 as '@(42)'. This second 
notation is generally preferred.
+The tabsub program is intended primarily for creating scripts relating to 
animation. To facilitate this, a variety of more complex macros also exist.
+   @(line)
+will output the row (line) number of the input table which is currently being 
processed, with the first line being numbered zero. This is useful for creating 
frame numbers, or other sequence tags in the output.
+   @(time)
+will output the time value which is always found in the left-most column of 
the current row.
+The more complex macros can also take arguments. If the first character of an 
argument is an at-sign ('@') (or percent-sign ('%'), for backwards 
compatibility), then the number that follows signifies an input channel 
substitution as before. Otherwise the value is taken literally.
+The rot macro is used to convert three Euler angles given in degrees into a 
rotation expressed as a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
+   @(rot x_angle y_angle z_angle)
+The arguments may be either numeric constants, column value macros, or a 
combination of both. The matrix is generated by calling the librt (3) routine 
mat_angles which performs the rotation around the Z axis first, then Y, then X. 
For example, the macro
+   @(rot 0 0 45)
+  <programlisting>
+creates the following matrix, a 45 degree rotation about Z:
+7.071067812e-01 -7.071067812e-01 0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00
+7.071067812e-01 7.071067812e-01 -0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00
+0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 1.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00
+0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 1.000000000e+00
+  </programlisting>
+Similarly, the macro
+   @(rot @4 @5 90)
+creates a rotation matrix where the angle of rotation around X is taken from 
input channel four, the Y angle is taken from input channel five, and the Z 
angle is fixed at 90 degrees.
+The xlate macro converts three distances (which must be specified in 
millimeters if the output script is destined for processing by rt (1) or mged 
(1)) into a translation expressed as a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
+   @(xlate dx dy dz)
+The matrix is generated by invoking the C macro MAT_DELTAS found in h/vmath.h. 
For example, the macro
+   @(xlate 100 -20 300)
+  <programlisting>
+creates the following matrix:
+1.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 1.000000000e+02
+0.000000000e+00 1.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 -2.000000000e+01
+0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 1.000000000e+00 3.000000000e+02
+0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 1.000000000e+00
+  </programlisting>
+Similarly, the macro
+ @(xlate 13 @7 0)
+creates a matrix where the origin is translated 13 units (mm) in X, and the 
number of units found in input channel 7 in Y. No translation occurs in Z.
+The orient macro combines the operation of the rot zand xlate macros, and also 
offers optional scaling. The invocation is one of:
+   @(orient tx ty tz rx ry rz)
+   @(orient tx ty tz rx ry rz scale)
+where all rotation is done first, then the translation, and then the scaling 
(if given).
+The ae command converts mged (1) style azimuth and elevation angle given in 
degrees into a rotation expressed as a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
+   @(ae azimuth elevation)
+The matrix is generated by calling the librt (3) routine mat_ae
+The quat command converts a quaternion into a 4x4 homogeneous transformation 
+   @(quat x y z w)
+The fromto command is used to rotate the given axis to point in the same 
direction as the vector formed by subtracting the 'next' point from the 'cur' 
+   @(fromto axis cur_x cur_y cur_z next_x next_y next_z)
+The axis argument must be one of these six strings: +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z, 
where the axis letter is capitalized. The matrix is generated by calling the 
librt (3) routine mat_fromto where the 'from' argument is derived from the axis 
given, and the 'to' argument is the unit-length difference 'next'-'cur'.
+<section xml:id="Example">
+<para>Based upon the example started in the manual page for tabinterp (1), 
here is a Bourne shell script which will generate the necessary template file 
using a "here document", and then process the 8-channel output table left in 
the file "".
+  <programlisting>
+# This template will be instantiated
+#  once for each frame to be made.
+cat &#60;&#60; EOF &#62; template
+start @(line);
+lookat_pt @(3) @(4) @(5);
+viewsize @(7);
+anim all.g/actor.g matrix rmul
+ @(xlate @0 @1 @2);
+anim all.g/light.r material rparam
+ inten=@(6) angle=70 invisible=1;
+! actor.pix.@(line);
+# This is the start of the animation script,
+# which will be appended to below.
+cat &#60;&#60; EOF &#62; script
+viewsize 3000;
+eye_pt -4.429280979044739e+03
+  -1.633722950749571e+03
+  -1.624787858562220e+03;
+orientation 5.435778713738288e-01
+  4.980973490458696e-01
+  4.564221286261679e-01
+  4.980973490458693e-01;
+#frame data follows
+# Append the data for each frame
+tabsub ./template &#60; >> script
+The frame number is taken from the input table line number, and substituted 
into the start command. The main actor position is taken from channels 0,1,2 
and applied (as an "articulation") to the matrix located along the arc between 
"all.g" and "actor.g" in the mged database. The camera (eye) position stays 
fixed for this animation, but the camera orientation is changed by substituting 
channels 3,4,5 into the lookat_pt command, and the viewsize (zoom lens setting) 
is changed by substituting channel 7 into the viewsize command. The argument to 
the light region's material property string is replaced with a new string that 
spells out the current light parameters. After the end command, a rt (1) shell 
escape is constructed, which will run a script called "" with the 
given argument (which has been arranged to be the file name of the pix (5) file 
that rt (1) just wrote, so that it can be post-processed, compressed, sent to a 
video recorder, etc.
+Try clipping this example out of the manual page (usually found in 
/usr/brlcad/man/man1/tabsub.1) and running it.
+<section xml:id="EXAMPLE2">
+In the tabinterp (1) manual page, mention was made of animating the flight of 
a rocket. This partial example outlines how that might be accomplished.
+tabinterp &#60;&#60; EOF >
+# Channel allocations:
+#   0,1,2 position of base of rocket
+#   3,4,5 next position of base of rocket
+# Input table column allocations:  time, X, Y, Z
+file rocket.table 0 1 2;
+times 0 4 60;
+# Assign interpolators to output channels
+interp spline 0 1 2;
+# Get +1 "look ahead" on values, for auto-guidance
+next 3 0 1;
+next 4 1 1;
+next 5 2 1;
+cat &#60;&#60; EOF > rocket.template
+start @(line);
+anim all.g/rot.g matrix rmul
+ @(xlate @0 @1 @2);
+anim rot.g/rocket.g matrix rmul
+  @(fromto +Z @0 @1 @2 @3 @4 @5);
+tabsub ./rocket.template &#60; >> script
+The items worthy of note are the use of the tabinterp (1) next command to 
place the position look-ahead into channels 3,4,5 and the matching use of the 
tabsub fromto macro to convert the current and next positions into an 
appropriate rotation. In this case, the central axis of the rocket as found in 
the mged (1) database rises up the +Z axis. Translating the rocket into 
position is handled one matrix higher up the tree, using the xlate macro.
+<section xml:id="POST_PROCESSING2">
+<title>POST PROCESSING</title>
+rt style animation scripts can be processed by rt (1) and remrt (1) by giving 
the -M option on the command line, and providing the script on standard input. 
For example, the rocket animation might be run like this:
+rt -M -V4:3 -w1440 -n972 -p90 -o rocket.pix \
+  rocket.g all.g &#60; script
+to produce images in NTSC ("Academy" 4:3) aspect ratio at double the normal 
resolution, suitable for later processing by pixhalve (1).
+The same animation can be previewed in near real-time using mged (1). For this 
example, mged (1) would be started with
+   mged rocket.g
+followed by attaching to an appropriate display device. Then, these commands 
would be given:
+   e all.g
+   preview script
+mged (1) will process each frame as fast as it can, and update the screen.
+<section xml:id="SEE_ALSO2">
+<title>SEE ALSO</title>
+tabinterp(1), xyz-pl(1), txyz-pl(1), cut(1), paste(1), rt(1), mged(1)
+<section xml:id="BUGS2">
+There is presently a compiled-in limit of 1023 channels in the input table.
+<section xml:id="AUTHOR2">
+Michael John Muuss
+<section xml:id="SOURCE2">
+The U. S. Army Research Laboratory
+Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland  21005
+<section xml:id="BUG_REPORTS2">
+<title>BUG REPORTS</title>
+Reports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to
+<section xml:id="Chains">
+<section xml:id='vsize'>
+0      2.000000000000000e+02
+0.75   2.000000000000000e+02
+1.75   2.000000000000000e+02
+4      2.000000000000000e+02
+6.25   2.000000000000000e+02
+7.25   2.000000000000000e+02
+8      2.000000000000000e+02
+<section xml:id='eypet'>
+<title>Chans Eypet</title>
+0      9.071067811865476e+01   7.071067811865474e+01   0.000000000000000e+00
+0.75   9.066760308408352e+01   7.066760308408351e+01   3.489949670250149e+00
+1.75   8.963642403200188e+01   6.963642403200188e+01   1.736481776669301e+01
+4      6.999999999999997e+01   4.999999999999999e+01   7.071067811865471e+01
+6.25   3.227878039689727e+01   1.227878039689727e+01   9.848077530122080e+01
+7.25   2.246776707783357e+01   2.467767077833573e+00   9.993908270190957e+01
+8      2.000000000000000e+01   0.000000000000000e+00   9.999999999999999e+01
+<section xml:id='orient'>
+0      2.705980500730985e-01   6.532814824381883e-01   6.532814824381883e-01   
+0.75   2.658342495283891e-01   6.417806505547106e-01   6.645833184536355e-01   
+1.75   2.459841687565966e-01   5.938583163412476e-01   7.077327819916303e-01   
+4      1.464466094067262e-01   3.535533905932737e-01   8.535533905932737e-01   
+6.25   3.335305878500257e-02   8.052140686538031e-02   9.203638919632243e-01   
+7.25   6.678746798450165e-03   1.612392110047428e-02   9.237388211835743e-01   
+8      0.000000000000000e+00   0.000000000000000e+00   9.238795325112867e-01   
+<section xml:id='all'>
+<title>Chans All</title>
+0      200     90.7107 70.7107 0       0.270598        0.653281        
0.653281        0.270598
+0.33333        200     90.6992 70.6992 1.11757 0.26908         0.649617        
0.656908        0.2721
+0.66667        200     90.6764 70.6764 2.87542 0.266677        0.643815        
0.662597        0.274457
+1      200     90.6193 70.6193 5.86093 0.262565        0.633889        
0.672216        0.278441
+1.33333        200     90.4026 70.4026 10.2013 0.256455        0.619137        
0.685929        0.284121
+1.66667        200     89.8485 69.8485 15.7869 0.248331        0.599525        
0.703018        0.291199
+2      200     88.7905 68.7905 22.4928 0.238198        0.575062        
0.722757        0.299376
+2.33333        200     87.1626 67.1626 30.0787 0.226209        0.546117        
0.744384        0.308334
+2.66667        200     84.9511 64.9511 38.245  0.212592        0.513243        
0.76712         0.317752
+3      200     82.1425 62.1425 46.6914 0.197578        0.476996        
0.790185        0.327305
+3.33333        200     78.7234 58.7234 55.118  0.181396        0.437929        
0.812799        0.336672
+3.66667        200     74.6804 54.6804 63.2244 0.164276        0.396596        
0.834181        0.345529
+4      200     70      50      70.7107 0.146447        0.353553        
0.853553        0.353553
+4.33333        200     64.7064 44.7064 77.3298 0.128166        0.309419        
0.870291        0.360486
+4.66667        200     58.9743 38.9743 83.0475 0.109797        0.265073        
0.884398        0.36633
+5      200     53.0158 33.0158 87.8828 0.091731        0.221458        
0.896032        0.371149
+5.33333        200     47.0433 27.0433 91.8548 0.0743588       0.179518        
0.905354        0.37501
+5.66667        200     41.2689 21.2689 94.9823 0.0580711       0.140196        
0.912522        0.377979
+6      200     35.9048 15.9048 97.2844 0.0432589       0.104436        
0.917696        0.380122
+6.33333        200     31.1631 11.1631 98.7807 0.0303124       0.0731806       
0.921036        0.381506
+6.66667        200     27.2134 7.21344 99.5643 0.0195628       0.0472287       
0.922821        0.382245
+7      200     24.1443 4.1443  99.8707 0.011226        0.0271019       
0.923556        0.382549
+7.33333        200     22.0332 2.03323 99.9515 0.00550101      0.0132806       
0.923773        0.382639
+7.66667        200     20.7902 0.79024 99.9837 0.00213547      0.00515548      
0.923852        0.382672
+8      200     20      0       100     0               0               0.92388 

Copied: brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/build_pattern.xml (from rev 71789, 
--- brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/build_pattern.xml                         
(rev 0)
+++ brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/articles/build_pattern.xml 2018-09-23 15:07:41 UTC 
(rev 71790)
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+<article xmlns=""; 
xmlns:xi=""; version="5.0">
+  <info><title>Using the Build Pattern Tool</title>
+    <xi:include href="../../books/en/tutorial_series_authors.xml" 
+    <legalnotice>
+       <para>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited</para>
+   </legalnotice>
+  </info>
+  <section xml:id="build_pattern_generalinfo"><info><title>General Pattern 
+    <para>
+      As mentioned previously, the Build Pattern tool automates the process of
+      making copies of existing geometry in rectangular, spherical, or
+      cylindrical patterns. The user can choose to pattern at any of three
+      depths of duplication: top, regions, and primitives.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      The Build Pattern tool is run from the graphical user interface (GUI)
+      (under the Tools menu); it currently has no command-line equivalent. The
+      bottom of the pattern control GUI is a usage dialog box that lists
+      pertinent information about each item on the GUI as the user mouses over
+      the text.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      There are many input fields. Some stand alone, and others belong to 
+      that work together to provide the needed information for a specific
+      option. Each series is denoted by a diamond-shaped check box. If the
+      diamond is highlighted red, then all fields in that series are required.
+      All required fields must be filled in for the pattern tool to work
+      properly. It is also important to note that all dimensions must be in
+      millimeters and that no commas should be used in number strings.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      The Build Pattern tool is designed to work from a prototype geometry
+      object. That is to say, the object that is patterned is not included in
+      the resultant pattern.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="build_pattern_names"><info><title>Pattern 
+    <para>
+      As shown in Figure E-1, the tool appends three numbers to all patterned
+      objects (unless you are using the increment option for primitives, in
+      which case, the numbers for regions and primitives are incremented by the
+      increment amount). For rectangular patterns, the first number is the
+      X axis offset, the second is the Y axis offset, and the third is the Z
+      axis offset. For spherical patterns, the first number references the
+      azimuth, the second references the elevation, and the third references 
+      radii. For cylindrical patterns, the first number references the radii,
+      the second number references the height, and the third number references
+      the azimuth.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="build_pattern_fields"><info><title>Common Fields for all 
+    <para>
+      There are several fields in the pattern tool GUI that are common to all
+      types of patterns.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      The Group Name field is for the name of the combination to be created (or
+      appended to) by a pattern call.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      The Source String and Replacement String fields must be used together. 
+      source string is the set of characters in each element of the patterned
+      object to be changed. The replacement string is the set of characters 
+      will replace the source string.
+    </para>
+    <figure><info><title>Example of pattern-generated assembly 
+      <mediaobject>
+       <imageobject role="html">
+         <imagedata align="center" 
fileref="../../articles/en/images/build_pattern_fig01.png" format="PNG"/>
+       </imageobject>
+      <imageobject role="fo">
+         <imagedata align="center" 
fileref="../../articles/en/images/build_pattern_fig01.png" format="PNG"/>
+       </imageobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </figure>
+    <para>
+      The Increment field is only for use when duplicating to the primitive 
+      It is added to the leftmost number field of each primitive. To determine 
+      increment, examine the primitives of the object(s) you wish to pattern 
and find
+      the largest span. For example, to create a pattern to the primitive 
level with
+      the following primitives (which may or may not be in regions or
+      assemblies):
+      <literallayout class="normal">
+part.s22 part.s22-1 part.s23 part.s24 part.s24+1 part.s24-1 part.s25,
+      </literallayout>
+      one needs to determine the span. Note that the leftmost numbers in these
+      primitives range from
+       22&#x2013;25. <!-- en dash symbol -->
+      Thus, as shown in the following expression, the span is
+      four (inclusively).
+      *******NEED FIGURE HERE*****
+      If we use an increment of four, we will get the following set of 
+      <literallayout class="normal">
+part.s26 part.s26-1 part.s27 part.s28 part.s28+1 part.s28-1 part.s29
+      </literallayout>
+      Although it is acceptable to use a greater increment, gaps in numbers 
may be
+      troublesome if one is using this capability extensively.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      Finally, the Objects field is used for the names of all the items to be
+      patterned.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="build_pattern_stringsub"><info><title>String 
+    <para>
+     It is also possible to create a pattern in which a string of characters in
+     each element in the object is changed (e.g., "l_" -&gt; "r_"). This is 
+     for symmetry applications (e.g., left - right) or series (e.g., 1 - n).
+     Each element of the object must have the source string so the user must be
+     thorough and name each primitive, region, and assembly properly. Consider
+     the following example:
+     <inlinemediaobject><imageobject role="html"><imagedata 
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      Top-level duplications copy the patterned object and reference its entire
+      structure with matrices, as follows:
+      <literallayout class="normal">
+/pattern group
+       /COPIED assemblies [MATRICES]
+           /assemblies
+                 /regions
+                       /primitives
+      </literallayout>
+      Region-level duplications copy all assembly and regions and reference 
from the
+      region level down with matrices.
+      <literallayout class="normal">
+/pattern group
+       /COPIED assemblies
+           /COPIED regions [MATRICES]
+      </literallayout>
+      Primitive-level duplications copy the entire tree structure to the 
+      level without matrices using an increment on all primitives.
+      <literallayout class="normal">
+/pattern group
+       /COPIED assemblies       NO MATRICES
+           /COPIED regions
+                /COPIED primitives
+      </literallayout>
+    </para>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="build_pattern_recpatterns"><info><title>Rectangular 
+    <para>
+      The rectangular pattern GUI (shown in Figure E-2) is designed to
+      facilitate one-, two-, or three-dimensional rectangular patterns. The
+      default X, Y, and Z directions are positive along each axis. In order to
+      create a rectangle that is not axis aligned, these vectors may be changed
+      with the condition that each must remain precisely perpendicular to the
+      other two. If the Use Directions series is checked, the user specifies 
+      number of copies and the Delta between copies for each axis. If the Use
+      Lists series is checked, the user can specify a list of deltas along each
+      axis.
+    </para>
+    <figure><info><title>The user interface for building rectangular 
+      <mediaobject>
+       <imageobject role="html">
+         <imagedata align="center" 
fileref="../../articles/en/images/build_pattern_fig02.png" format="PNG"/>
+       </imageobject>
+      <imageobject role="fo">
+         <imagedata align="center" 
fileref="../../articles/en/images/build_pattern_fig02.png" format="PNG"/>
+       </imageobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </figure>
+  </section>
+  <section xml:id="build_pattern_spherical"><info><title>Spherical 

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