On Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 04:24:32PM -0500, Rob Hudson wrote:
> BRLTTY 6.3 on arch linux.
> The other day there was a problem with some of my fs mounts, and I was kicked 
> into emergency shell. I am uncertain of when this change took place, but 
> BRLTTY no longer works there, although it did last year. I have made no 
> changes to the BRLTTY default arch package. I could not even start it 
> manually by typing
> brltty
> at (what I assumed) was the command prompt. And of course, I could not ssh in 
> due to there being no network in emergency shell mode.
> What changed in BRLTTY to cause it to stop working in emergency shell?
for information: arch uses upstream systemd unit files.

Sincerely, Alexander
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