> [quoted lines by Lars Bjørndal on 2021/08/15 at 19:14 +0200]
> >I get errors when I try to do make inside the Documentation directory:
> >
> >Processing file BRLTTY.sgml
> >nsgmls:/etc/sgml/catalog:7:8:E: cannot open 
> >"/etc/sgml/html401-dtds-4.01-1999122
> >4.6.soc" (No such file or directory)
> It looks like some package needed by linuxdoc-tools is missing. Hopefully, 
> whatever package manager your system uses has a way to ask it which package 
> contains some particular file.

I'm using Fedora 33. `dnf provides 
\*/etc/sgml/html401-dtds-4.01-19991224.6.soc\*' gives
Error: No match

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