Halim Sahin, le lun. 31 janv. 2022 12:56:42 +0100, a ecrit:
> Example:
> copy the string with brltty in to clipboard and paste  the contents.
>  /abcd/
>  Result:
> &abcde/
> Brltty changes  the first slash  with &.
> This only happens  when using a2 screendriver.
> Tested in xfce4-terminal.

Does it happen only with the very first paste, or with all pastes?
I have indeed noticed that the X server doesn't properly handle the
keymap on the first keypress simulation, but that's only the very first,
and further simulations work fine.

That being said, for pasting you should be able to just use
control-shift-V, which will directly paste from the brltty cutbuffer
into the application, without having to go through keypresses
simulation, thus much more robust.

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