Dave Mielke <d...@mielke.cc> writes:

> [quoted lines by Adrian van Bloois on 2017/11/17 at 22:48 +0100]
> You see a lot of Dot7s (which should be ignored or removed) because
> strict BRF is being used.

This is why we have the -6 option of brltty-trtxt.
I usually clean up BRF Braille music by converting to Unicode Braille
and adding -6 to brltty-trtxt.

  ⡍⠁⠗⠊⠕ | Blog: <https://blind.guru/>  GitHub: <https://github.com/mlang/>
  .''`. | Twitter: @blindbird23        FaceBook: disyled
 : :' : | SoundCloud: <soundcloud.com/mario-lang>
 `. `'  | YouTube: <youtube.com/user/mlang23>
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