Brm vsichni,
jen pro info: vcera sumie setrela povrchy (vc. podlah), a vecer probehla
dezinfekce vsech prostor (s vyjimkou biolabu) ozonem (diky
speczovi/tomsuchovi/vsv za zapujceni!)

Prostory by tedy mely byt vicemene bezpecne, alespon do doby, nez se
objevi dalsi nakazeny.

Brm everyone,
FYI: as of yesterday evening, all surfaces should have been disinfected
(thx sumie) and everything has been fumigated by ozone (thx
specz/tomsuch/vsv for supplying the devices).
The space should be relatively safe now (at least until next positive
case emerges).

Happy hacking

On 21/09/2020 14.39, Radek Pilar via Rada wrote:
> CZ:
> Brm vsichni,
> o vikendu se v brmlabu pohyboval clovek, ktery byl ted pozitivne
> testovany na Covid. Lidi, kteri se s nim primo potkali uz snad dostali
> vedet. Jelikoz je teoreticky mozny prenos vzduchem / pres povrchy, videl
> bych to na tri veci:
> 1) zitrejsi meetup bude jen online (link posle nekdo na IRC pred meetupem)
> 2) pokud jste se v labu vyskytli od soboty (vcetne), pocitejte s tim, ze
> tam je nejake nenulove riziko prenosu (a dejte vedet, pokud se u vas
> neco objevi)
> 3) pokud vylozene nemusite, zkuste do vikendu do labu nechodit (doba
> preziti na nekterych povrsich muze byt udajne az 5 dni), nebo alespon
> vetrat, myt si ruce, a tak...
> Diky za pochopeni
> Mrkva
> EN:
> Hello everyone,
> a person that later tested positive for covid was present in hackerspace
> during the weekend (19/20. 9.). People with direct contact should have
> already been notified. Because of possibility of air / surface
> transmission, I ask you that:
> 1) do not come for tomorrow meetup, it will be held online only, link
> will be posted on the IRC
> 2) if you've been in the space since weekend, be aware that there is a
> non-zero risk you've been exposed (and please let me know if you'll have
> any symptoms / test positive)
> 3) unless necessary, do not come to space in the next few days (IIRC
> covid can last on some surfaces up to 5 days), so ideally until
> Thursday/Friday. If you have to, please be careful and take precautions
> (open windows, wash hands, etc.).
> Thanks for understanding
> Mrkva
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