> > I would go one step further: let's aim for C++14.
> I was expecting you to propose that. :-)

And I knew your answer beforehand :-).

> I'm very reluctant to rely on a cutting-edge compiler for compiling
> Bro. There's really not much worse for an open-source tool than
> downloading the code and then realizing that your system's compiler is
> too old to handle it. 

I fully understand the concerns regarding our users: it's unreasonable
to request manual bootstrapping of compilers or devoting extensive time
just to install Bro. My main point was from a developer pointer of view:
why drive with the handbrake on if it's not necessary. 

That said, if we're well aware of the limitations of C++11, I don't see
an issue with this "compromise."

> We should probably reverse the order of my list: survey OSs first what
> they ship these days, then decide what we are fine requiring.

Agreed. GCC 4.8 and Clang 3.3 are hopefully well-supported by most
distributions by the end of the year.

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