On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 09:53:23PM +0000, Siwek, Jon wrote:
> > currently it is not possible to build Bro on RedHat / CentOs 6 or earlier
> > because the cmake version available on those systems is too low.
> I think 6.6 has CMake now.
> But yeah, before they were at 2.6.4.

Ah, ok. I am trying to build a bro version using the opensuse build
service - and they apparently use only the old packages of those
distributions when you create your packages.

> > Is there any important reason why we need 2.8?
> Not especially important, but newer versions of CMake were emitting some
> CMake policy warnings at bro-aux configure-time that I didn’t see a way
> to fix without using generator expressions, which became available in
> CMake 2.8.
> If you can’t upgrade to 6.6, is it at least an option for you to compile a 
> newer CMake from source?

I will try, it actually might be possible to make it a compile-time-only

Just to check - is removing the dependency for 2.8 as easy as changing the
minimal cmake version and removing a few lines from one of the cmake
scripts? Because in that case I would be tempted to just automatically
patch it out when building for those distributions (I have a few
distribution specific actions in the build files in any case).

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