I finally figured out what's happening by looking at the binpac source.
Documenting for posterity:

Apparently if you use "flowunit", you *must* place the &length= on the
record (or somewhere in the derived hierarchy of types under the record). I
was under the impression that binpac could figure that out implicitly by
measuring the size of the types in the record, and that you only needed to
use &length when the field length was determined by a previous field value
in the record.

So, anyway this works:
type FOB_PDU(is_orig: bool) = record {
        foo: uint32;
} &byteorder=bigendian *&length=4*;

My real analyzer will of course do this more dynamically. But at least I
have a starting point that builds now.


On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 12:28 PM, Jeff Barber <jbar...@computer.org> wrote:

> I'm looking to develop a new TCP-based protocol parser using binpac.
> Getting the 'cannot handle incremental input' error from binpac. But I
> don't understand exactly why I'm seeing it. It happens whenever I use
> "flowunit = " instead of "datagram = ". I'm literally changing one line
> from the skeleton produced by the binpac quickstarter.
> Here's what I'm doing. Creating this as a plugin, so I start with
> init-plugin:
> bro-aux/plugin-support/init-plugin $SRC/analyzer/fob Bro_Fob fob
> Next I run the binpac quickstart:
> cd ~/src/binpac_quickstart
> ./start.py fob "FOB Protocol" $SRC/analyzer/fob --tcp --plugin --buffered
> If I now configure and make, everything works fine:
> cd $SRC/analyzer/fob
> ./configure --bro-dist=$BRO_SRC
> make
> But if I edit src/fob.pac to uncomment the "flowunit =" line (and comment
> out the datagram line), I get this error from binpac:
> src/fob-protocol.pac:18: error : cannot handle incremental input
> Thinking it had something to do with the definition of FOB_PDU there
> ("data: bytestring &restofdata;"), I removed that line so that my PDU
> definition is nothing but:
> type FOB_PDU(is_orig: bool) = record {
>         foo: uint32;
> } &byteorder=bigendian;
> But I still get the error. I've tried the same thing with current master
> branch, and with v2.4.1 and an older version I'm using and I get the same
> result in each case.
> If I remove all fields from the PDU, it compiles, but that's not very
> useful. ;)
> I know the flowunit feature works. I see it in other analyzers in the
> source tree. Seems like I must be missing something simple in the .pac
> files. But I can't figure it out from inspection.
> Anybody know what's the trick?
> Thanks!
> Jeff
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