On 12/14/16 9:31 AM, Robin Sommer wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 20:22 +0000, you wrote:
>> The way it was originally written must have assumed the logs were
>> going to be archived to a different filesystem.
> Yes, indeed, pretty sure that was the reason. If we just replaced "cp"
> with "mv" that would still be an issue, right? We'd need something a
> bit more smart that does the right thing in either case, like Python's
> shutil.move does,
> https://docs.python.org/2/library/shutil.html#shutil.move
> Robin

I'm not aware of any variety of Linux or BSD where the "mv" command
can't handle moving a file to a different filesystem.

I think the real issue is that with "mv", a copy of the log
would no longer be in the working directory, which is only
an issue if Bro had crashed (that's when post-terminate
runs archive-log with the "-c" option, which indicates that
we shouldn't remove the log after archiving it).

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