Hmmm thinking about it, we can get away with '&' with minimal keyword
conflict because there's such an easy (and natural-to-presume) fix -
namely, rather than "x&attrkeyword" you use "x & attrkeyword".  Now
there's no problem, since the lexer only recognizes "&attrkeyword"
as a unit, with no whitespace allowed.

Given that, here's my updated proposal, with 'c' standing for values of
type count:

        s1 + s2         Set union
        s1 - s2         Set difference
        s1 | s2         Set union
        s1 & s2         Set intersection
        s1 ^ s2         Set symmetric difference

        s + e           The set resulting from adding the element 'e' to
                                the set 's'
        s - e           The set resulting from removing the element 'e' from
                                the set 's', if present

        s1 {+=, -=, |=, &=, ^=} s2
                        Perform the corresponding set operation between
                                s1 and s2 and put the result in s1.
        s {+=, -=} e
                        Add or remove the element e from the set s

        c1 | c2
        c1 & c2         Bitwise or/and/xor of two count values
        c1 ^ c2 

        c1 {|=, &=, ^=} c2
                        Perform the corresponding bitwise operation between
                                c1 and c2 and put the result in c1.

        v += e          Append the element 'e' to the vector 'v'

        s += v          Add the elements of 'v' to 's'
        s -= v          Remove the elements of 'v' from 's', if present

How does that sound?

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