We are currently writing code for ingesting data directly using Broker’s API. 
From the docs, it seems that Broker assumes that publishers and subscribers 
somehow agree on one layout per topic: "senders and receivers will need to 
agree on a specific data layout for the values exchanged, so that they 
interpret them in the same way.” [1]

This raises a couple of questions. Primarily: where can Broker users learn the 
layouts to interpret received data? There’s essentially no hope in deferring a 
layout, since broker::data doesn’t include any meta information such as field 
names. Is meta information stored somewhere? Is there a convention how to place 
and retrieve such meta information in Broker’s data stores? How does Bro itself 
make such information available? Is there a document that lists all topics used 
by Bro with their respective broker::data layout?


[1] https://bro-broker.readthedocs.io/en/stable/comm.html#exchanging-bro-events 
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