> On Sep 6, 2018, at 3:41 PM, Azoff, Justin S <jaz...@illinois.edu> wrote:
> I just got 2 clusters upgraded from 
> fa7fa5aa to
> 452eb0cb
> I may have created a message loop replacing the relay_rr stuff, but it's kind 
> of hard to tell.
> I'll do some more testing but so far this is the first issue I've ran into in 
> months.

I tested an almost stock local.bro (a few additional things disabled) and saw 
the same thing.

fa7fa5aa is fine, but with 452eb0cb everything is working really hard to do 

The most noticeable thing is the network traffic on the manager changing from 
being almost idle at

300KiB TX and 3MiB RX and jumping to
20MiB TX and 12MiB RX

Justin Azoff

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