> On Oct 30, 2018, at 2:09 PM, Hosom, Stephen M <ho...@battelle.org> wrote:
> I bumped into a limitation that was a little frustrating to work around with 
> the config framework.
> It is inconvenient that values stored in files read by adding to 
> Config::config_files are not available within the bro_init event. After 
> reviewing how the Config framework works, I understand why this is the case, 
> but it means that if you want to use configuration values on startup, you're 
> not guaranteed to be working with the anticipated value.
> I think the introduction of an event that ensures that configuration files 
> have been read by the time that the event fires might be worthwhile. I was 
> wondering if anyone had any thoughts on how to resolve/work-around this issue.

This is an issue, but probably not the one you are thinking of.  even if 
configuration files were fully read by the time bro_init was ran, you'd still 
need to handle the value changing at runtime.

If you need to run code when an option changes, you can use the 
Option::set_change_handler to make bro raise an event.  Using this instead of 
bro_init would fix the startup problem, and handle it changing at any time.

There's a test that uses this in testing/btest/core/option-priorities.bro and a 
few other files.

Justin Azoff

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