There are no stupid questions (there may be many inquisitive idiots, but
you don't seem to be one of them...)

On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 09:39:28AM +0200, Søren T wrote:
> Jeg har bestilt  nogle festfade, picknic tappeudstyr og co2. Min plan er at 
> tvangskarbonere øllet. Som jeg forstår dette setup, så kan jeg kun 
> tilslutte mig et fad og er nød til at holde mig til det indtil det er tømt. 
> DVS. de andre fade jeg fylder står med 'fladt'.
> Det dumme spørgsmål lyder derfor: Tager det dogne øl i fadene der ikke er 
> under tryk skade af at lagre længe uden karbonering ?

Probably not. I think it would be nice to have at least a bit of
pressure in the keg, so that when the changes in temperature make the
beer expand and contract a bit, you never get underpressure which may
try to suck the bung in.

But why have you decided to force carbonate? It is a bit tricky
operation with the small co2 bottles, and with a regulator that does not
have a meter. Much easier to add some sugar-water in the keg before
pouring in the beer.  Are you afraid of unclear beer or sediments on the
bottom? Don't be! Most beer yeasts flocculate down to a nice solid layer
of sediment, leaving the beer pretty clear. Just give it a bit of time,
preferably in cold.

And remember, how ever you carbonate, the time of kegging is the last
chance to spoil the beer with bad hygiene. Clean them kegs well, and
sanitize with somethign effective, and you will be sure to get

    beer anyway


Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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