On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 02:56:57PM +0200, Tobias Kiil wrote:
> Jeg har en Corona maltkværn med svinghåndtag som denne:
> http://www.maltbazaren.dk/shop/corona-maltkvaern-890p.html

Looks vaguely familiar

> Jeg er sikker på jeg ikke er den eneste med samme kværn og tænkte om der
> måske var nogen af jer der har formået at gøre den halvautomatisk evt. ved
> brug af boremaskine??

My model had male threads cut in the axel, so I could not just put 
a screw in it. I tried various contraptions, and in the end I had nothing
much left of threads. Then I tried to put a piece of plastic tube around
the end of the axle, and fit something round in the other end, and stick
that in my drill. That worked for a while, but the fittings did not want
to stay in place. Now I have a new hole across the axle, a 3mm bolt through
that, holding a piece of heavy leather tube in place. In the other end
of the tube I have a seriously big drill bit (same dia as the axle, can't
see it now, as I am at work, but about 13mm), fixed with a few hose clamps,
string, chewing gum, and who knows what else. The other end of that drill
bit fits well in my drill machine, which is kept in place by another fancy
contraption... Yes, it does run a bit warm, but it has not broken down yet,
and it must have 75 batches under its belt...

It certainly looks homemade, and not very professional, but it manages to 
mill my grains in a few minutes, and leaves me free to worry about the
more important things, like brewing some

  beer anwyay

Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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