The British authorities were investigating a suspected link to Taiwan after a parrot held in quarantine died of the deadly H5NI strain of avian flu,the first birds to die of the virus in the country.The confirmed arrival of the virus in western Europe came as government around the world battled to halt the strain's spread,which has killed more than 60 people in Asia since late 2003.
Also,the UNs said it was sending an emergency taks force of experts to Indonesia,one of the the nations worst hit by the H5NI try to tackle the virus " at source " in poultry.The Rome-based UN Food and Agriculture Organization was dispatching the team as part of  " a new phase of the battle against avian influenza " it said  in a statement.
While Asia,notably Vietnam,has borne the brunt of the H5NI outbreak,cases also have been reported in Turkey,Romania and Russia,and are thought to have been spread by migrating birds.On Sunday ,British veterinary officals said that a parrot imported from Surinam had died from the deadly strain,while in mandatory quarantine.
With no cases of H5NI yet reported in S America,Debby Reynolds,the chief veterinarian for Britain's Department Affairs,said the working hypothesis was that the parrot contracted the virus from birds imported from Taiwan and also in quarantinte." The closer match is a strain identified in ducks in China earlier this year.It is not so similar to the strains from Romania and Turkey " Reynolds said.
Taiwan,which has not reported any domestic cases of H5NI,although the strain has been seen in birds smuggled in from mainland China,dismissed the Britisth theory,saying there was no evidence to back it up " It's very dangerous and irresponsible " Yeh Ying,deputy director of the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Qurantine,said of the British authorities linking the disease with Taiwan.
Avian flu is highly infectious among wild and domestic birds but so far humans have only caught the H5NI strain after coming into close and prolonged contact with birds carrying the virus.

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