Untuk Fireball di yang di sungai mekong, berikut informasi dari situs resmi tourism di Vietnam.
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OCTOBER 21, 2002 in Thailand
OCTOBER 22, 2002 in Lao PDR

Illuminated Boats

Photos courtesy of
Teera Mongkolkachit - GMM Pictures and special thanks to "Traveller's Companion"

As the last of the illuminated boats dock at the pier, the silence of the night returns.

Every now and again, reddish-pink elliptical balls of light with an eerie glow rise silently into the pitch-black night sky, without a flare, smoke or sound.

Known as the "Bang Fai Phaya Naga", the King of Naga fire-balls is a natural phenomenon that generally takes place on the full moon night of the 11th lunar month, the last night of the Buddhist Lent.

The balls of light, with uniform reddish-pink or rich crimson-burgundy hues of the Siamese Ruby, rise vertically into the night sky to heights ranging from 50 metres to 300 metres before they simply fade into thin air without a trace. The fireballs are visible for approximately 3 to 8 seconds at a time, before they vanish completely.

Sometimes these King of Naga fireballs, the size of goose eggs, float up languidly, two or three at a time. Other times, five to seven in a single sequence, and occasionally, up to nineteen of these balls of light float vigorously into the night sky.

Some rise in straight lines at an angle of 50o to 80o. Others are perpendicular to the surface of the Mekong River. It has been noted that if the fire-balls rise up from the mid-section of the river, they float towards shore, and if they rise along the shoreline, they float towards mid-stream.

It has been noted that when fireballs rise from the depths of the Mekong River and break the surface of the water with some force, they cause ripples and micro droplets of water are carried up by the balls of light thereby giving it a ghostly bluish tinge instead of the characteristic ruby-red colouring.

According to I-San folk belief, caverns along the banks in this section of the Mekong River are in fact gateways leading from the subterranean Naga world to the world of earthly beings. It is also believed that prompted by the festivities of the illuminated boats and the fireworks launched in an act of worship to celebrate the end of the Buddhist Lent, the mythical Naga emerge via these gateways to join in on the celebrations to commemorate the home-coming of Lord Buddha in his historical life.

These beliefs are renewed and further perpetuated by the fact that greenish fireballs have been spotted around Kaeng Aa-hong, the deepest point in the Mekong River, and the deep underwater caves that line its cavernous shores.

King of Naga Fireballs - Stairway to Heaven

Based on timeless Buddhist tales, Lord Buddha ascended to the Heavens to offer sermons to his mother during the rains retreat marking the Buddhist Lent. On the final day of the Buddhist Lent, Lord Buddha returned to Earth. For the descent, there are three stairways from heaven - made of crystal, silver and gold respectively.

Ancient folklore of I-San passed down from generation to generation to this day are based on this theme. As the story goes, the King of Naga fireballs rise into the night sky to form the steps of the stairs by which the Lord Buddha descends from heaven.

Ancient tales and folklore abound. However, modern science does offer a well-grounded explanation for the King of Naga fireballs natural phenomenon.

The 23-foot "Phaya Nak" - The Biggest Freshwater Fish Captured in the Mekong

There is yet another account. On September 28, 1996, US military personnel captured alive, a huge freshwater creature that was said to be a "Phaya Naga", (pronounced "Phaya Nak"). The creature was sent to the United States for research. Unfortunately, the creature died a month later. It was the biggest freshwater fish ever found on earth. The Naga was 23 feet long. Its natural habitat is believed to be between 700 to 2,000 feet below the surface of the Mekong River. The features of the Phaya Nak resembled the elements that have been depicted in the sculptures in front of the chapel or viharn in both Thailand and Lao PDR. According to various account, the creature had "7 skin colours and light green blood".

The mystery that surrounds the Naga and the mysterious fireballs continues to enthral. However, spotting the King of Naga fireballs can be a test of patience. Thousands of visitors keep vigil several nights in a row, hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive Naga.


While it is tempting to maintain the allure of the many intriguing accounts that surround the mythical origins of the "Bang Fai Phaya Naga" fireballs, scientific studies have provided ample evidence to verify the authenticity of this natural phenomenon.

The appearance of the King of Naga fireballs involves the simultaneous interplay of several forces of nature. These include the presence of conditions that are conducive to the formation of Methane-Nitrogen gas with 19% level of purity, the presence of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria co-existing in a habitat at depths of 4.55 to 13.40 metres with organic deposits forming on a bed of clay or sand, average surrounding temperatures of higher than 26?C at 10.00, 13.00 and 16.00 hours, and a PH value between 6.4 to 7.8.

As the sun warms the surface of the clay or sand bed, organic matter decomposes within 3 to 6 hours and begins to emit methane gas. Pressure builds up and the gas rises to the surface of the water. Bubbles of gas exceeding 15cc dissipate leaving behind a 12cc nucleas that floats upwards. The gas reacts with the oxygen in the air and instantly ignites. 95% of the balls of light seen are ruby-red with pinkish-red or crimson-burgundy hues. This explains why these balls of light are of uniform colour, do not emit flares, smoke or sound, and eventually dissolve into thin air without leaving a trace.

The frequency and intensity of the fireballs also vary according to several other factors such as the distance of the earth relative to the sun and moon, the intensity of "B" and "C" ultraviolet rays, and a extent of the depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere.

Tracking studies have indicated that there is much greater likelihood of the phenomenon occurring in the months of March to May, and September and October, on days when the earth gravitates closest to the sun and moon, and the depletion of the ozone layer allows ultraviolet rays to easily penetrate the stratosphere.

Based on these studies, the two absolute indicators for the formation of King of Naga fireballs are the presence of Methane-Nitrogen gases of 19% purity and a sufficient concentration of Ionized Atomic Oxygen to trigger a reaction called "heterogenous combustion" that results in the mystical glow of the fireballs.

Contact information:
Tel: (66 42) 325-406 to 7
Fax: (66 42) 325-408

On 11/10/05, Ambon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Punya gambarnya kalau punya harap dikirim kepada saya, kalau tahu nama buku
atau majalah mana mohon diberitahukan.

----- Original Message -----
From: "agung setiawan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 5:32 AM
Subject: Re: [budaya_tionghua] Re: lambang naga di china

> g pernah liat foto naga yg ditangkap oleh tentara US
> di sungai mekong, bener2 mirip gambar naga selama ini,
> tapi warnanya putih transparan, trus g juga denger
> kabar kalo di sungai mekong pada hari2 tertentu ada
> kluar bola2 api dari dasar sungainya, tapi lupa ada
> naga yg kluar apa gak. hehehheeh
> btw gambaran naga di barat ama timur kan beda jauh,
> kok bisa yah simbol naga di ditimur juga dianggap
> simbol jahat kayak dibarat.
> --- skala selaras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ada pandangan baru, naga adalah metamorfosis dari
>> binatang Srigala, ini
>> diungkap dalam novel "Srigala sebagai symbol", bukan
>> dari ular, salah satu
>> teorinya adalah cara gerak naga beda dengan ular
>> (horizontal), lebih mirip
>> srigala yang lari ( naik turun )
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "perfect_harmony2000"
>> To: <budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 12:58 PM
>> Subject: [budaya_tionghua] Re: lambang naga di china
>> > sdr.Rockit ,
>> >
>> >
>> > naga dalam mitologi orang Tionghoa pada jaman
>> purba mungkin disebabkan
>> > oleh 4 proses.
>> > 4 proses itu antara lain :
>> > 1.totem ikan dan ular , dimana pada masa lampau
>> suku-suku yang
>> > nantinya menjadi bangsa Tionghoa yang sekarang ini
>> memiliki totem-
>> > totem binatang sebagai lambang suku mereka. Ini
>> yang menjadi cikal
>> > bakal lahirnya model naga dan burung phoenix.
>> > 2.pada masa dinasti Shang dan Zhou , naga dan
>> burung phoenix mengalami
>> > perubahan.
>> > 3.pada masa warring state , naga dan phoenix mulai
>> digambarkan berada
>> > di awan dan menguasai air.
>> > 4.masa akhir ini adalah masa pembentukan naga yang
>> kita kenal seperti
>> > sekarang ini. Pembentukan itu bisa dikatakan pada
>> masa dinasti Tang.
>> >
>> > Walau demikian , ada orang yang beranggapan bahwa
>> naga dan phoenix
>> > berasal dari buaya serta burung merak.
>> > Tapi ini sulit diterima secara umum.
>> >
>> > Secara mitos , naga dikatakan adalah gabungan dari
>> 9 binatang yang
>> > merupakan totem dari 9 suku yang berhasil
>> disatukan oleh XuanYuan atau
>> > HuangDi. Hal ini juga pernah dibahas dan kalau
>> tidak salah sudah
>> > dimasukkan ke website.
>> > Karena faktor itu juga terkadang orang Tionghoa
>> sering disebut
>> > generasi pewaris naga.
>> > Perbedaan mitos antara timur dengan barat membuat
>> ada yang beranggapan
>> > bahwa naga itu adalah lambang iblis.
>> > Tentunya kita harus menghargai perbedaan pandangan
>> itu tapi juga harus
>> > menghargai perbedaan pandangan bukan langsung
>> serta merta mencap naga
>> > orang Tionghoa adalah iblis.
>> >
>> > Kilin atau Qilin bisa disebut kuda naga yang
>> merupakan binatang suci
>> > terutama bagi orang yang beragama Khonghucu.
>> > Karena mereka percaya binatang ini hanya tampak
>> ketika orang-orang
>> > suci lahir ke dunia.
>> >
>> > Khayalan atau bukan , bukanlah hak kita menilai.
>> Yang penting adalah
>> > kita harus memahami makna dibalik simbol dan mitos
>> itu.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > hormat saya ,
>> >
>> >
>> > Xuan Tong
>> >
>> >
>> > --- In budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com,
>> "rockit_launcha"
>> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > aduh,maaf banyak tanya,aku penasaran nih kenapa
>> kok pada jaman
>> > dahulu
>> > > orang? china bisa mendapat adanya naga di saat
>> itu??? dan dikatakan
>> > > itu campuran dari beberapa hewan,ada juga yang
>> laen sperti kilin.Itu
>> > > semua kok mereka bisa kebayang bentuk begitu apa
>> betul? pernah ada
>> > > atau hanya di khayalan mereka????
>> > >
>> >
>> >

Best Regards,


.: Forum Diskusi Budaya Tionghua dan Sejarah Tiongkok :.

.: Kunjungi website global : http://www.budaya-tionghoa.org :.

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.: Jaringan pertemanan Friendster : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :.

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