Ini ada satu nukilan yang ditulis oleh Dr Philippe Rushton, yang a.l. 
membeberkan soal prosedur test IQ yang beliau singkap dalam analisa ilmiahnya 
tentang IQ pelbagai race. Sesuatu yang menarik yang bisa dibahas oleh para 
lootjianpwee yang sudah terlanjur membahas soal rekrut calon2 serdadu di 
Amerika yang terdiri dari pelbagai etnis yang terkait dengan IQ masing2 etnis.
  Di tulisan ini akan dijelaskan juga dengan metode apa IQ itu di kumpulkan dan 
diklasifikasi dengan menghasilkan resultat yang meng-klasifikasi para etnis 
dengan  & dalam beberapa level tergantung dari berapa IQ yang mereka 
dapat.Teori Dr Rushton ini diperkuat dengan data2 yang dikumpulkan oleh dua 
scientist lain Lynn dan Vanhanen yang menyimpulkan adanya korelasi antara IQ 
suatu etnis tertentu dengan perkembangan negara yang bersangkutan. Test 
diadakan secara TERTULIS dengan metode Raven's Matrices dan tanpa batas waktu, 
sampai semua peserta menyelesaikan testnya.
  March 10.2004
  By J Philippe Rushton
  Early in 2002 I published a VDARE.COM review on Richard Lynn and Tatu 
Vanhanen's book IQ AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS. It was powerfully seconded a few 
weeks later by Steve Sailer.
  The book's thesisthat a country's prosperity is closely related to the 
average IQ of its population- should have made the cover of The Economist 
because of its devastatingly important implications. But although some 
academics took notice, it was ignored by the mainstream media.
  Finally, a year and a half later after I introduced the subject to VDARE.COM 
readers, the essential argument appeared in the London TIMES, along with a 
beautiful IQ Mapof the World (The wealth of nations is mapped by heir IQ, By 
Glen Owen November 10.2003)
  Why the sudden interest? Could it be because Matti Vanhagen, the son of the 
co-author Tatu Vanhanen, Professor Emiritus of Poitical Science at the 
Unversity of Tampere in Finland, was recently elected Prime Minister of 
Finland?( Richard Lyn is Professor Emiritus of Psychology at he University of 
  No,no that's too cynical. More likely, because Lynn and Vanhaneen had 
reported some newanalyses of their data which caught the attention of a 
journalist willing to listen. (This happens sometimes)
  This is why they reported: For sixty countries which clearly identified IQ 
scores, the correlation with real gross domestic product, or GDP, was 
significant (about r=0.60). The countries of the Pacific Rim (Japan, South 
Korea, Taiwan, China, Hongkong and Singapore) had the highest  average  IQs, of 
about 105. Then next come Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and New 
Zealand, averaging 100. In South Asia, North Africa and most Latin American 
countries, the average IQ score was about 85, and in sub-Saharan Africa and the 
Carribbean around 70.
   The bottom line: well over half (about 58 percent) of the differences in 
national wealth can be explained  in terms of national differences in average 
intelligence. Each IQ point above 70 in the national average was worth about 
$850 in per capita GDP. 
  The new Lynn-Vanhanen report concluded that people with high IQs were better 
able to master the complex skills needed to produce goods and services for 
which there is international demand. They were more likely to develop efficient 
public services such as transport and telecommunications, which provide 
efficient infrastructure. They are more likely to have intelligent political 
leaders who manage their economies effectively.
  As Richard Lynn explained to  The Times:
  "Our critics would suggest that we are confusing cause and effect, and that 
IQs are higher in rich countries because of better health, education and so on. 
But wedon't think that is likely: intelligence is the largest single factor 
behind national wealth. It the becomes a virtuous circle, wit the resulting 
affluence adding extra IQ points"
  The authors are NOT denounced as "racist" for showing that East Asians have 
higher IQs than Wites.
  Nor is umbrage taken at what Professor Lynn  told The Times about  China's 
potential for becominga superpower.
  "The per capita income in China is low....because of te inefficiency of the 
communist system. Now the Chinese have introduced a market economy the growth 
rate is rapid... China can be predicted to reach parity with Europe and the 
US...and become the new economic and military superpower"
  What critics have objected to---very strongly---is the statement that te 
sub-Saharan Africans have an average IQ of 70.
  This is indeed, extremely low. In North America,an IQ of 70 suggests 
borderline mental retardation.
   Critics of the finding that he average African IQ is 70 say that it simply 
must be wrong. They insist that biased testing procedures must have been used, 
even though dozens of seperate studies have corroborated the results from East, 
West, Central, and Southern Africa.
  For Example, one 1992 study carried out for the World Bank reported that 
random sample  of 1,639 adolescents in the West Saharan  country of Ghana had 
an average IQ of 60. In 1998, I went to Johannesburg, South Africa , to 
initiate a 5-year series of IQ studies in the university system to determine, 
whether such low IQ was acurate. I, too, wondered how well all he previous data 
had been collected, if sufficient care were taken in giving instructions, 
ensuring motivation, having a quiet room for testing, or giving time to comlete 
the tests.
  First, I contacted psychologists in e Faculty of Education atthe University 
of he Witwatersrand (all anti-apartheid liberals) and together  we tested 
hundreds of students of African, East Indian, White and East Asian backgrounds, 
along with those of mixed ancestry, under optimal testing procedures, using 
culture reduced tests. We used a large,quiet, well-lit, well-ventilated 
examination room with desks spaced far enough apart to prevent copying or 
feeling crowded. As I walked up and down the aisles watching the students 
diligently at work, it was plain to see they were well-motivated.
  We used the RAVEN'S MATRICES. one of the best known, well researched , and 
mostl widely used of all the culture reduced tests. Consisting of 60 
diagrammatic puzzles, each with a missing part that the test taker attempts to 
identify from several choices, it is an exellent measure of the non-verbal 
component of general intelligence. Typically, the test is so easy for 
university stdents that they do in less than 20 minutes. We set no time limit 
for the test. All   those being tested were allowed to complete it.
  We found African university students averaged an IQ of 84. In some studies, 
by other researchers, they have scored lower (IQ=77). In still others of our 
studeis, highly-selected engineering students who took math and science courses 
in high school scored higher (IQ=103)
  Assuming that, like university students elswhere, the African university 
students on average score 15 above the general population, the African general 
population average of about  70 would appear to be corroborated.
  One way to comprehend an IQ of 70 is to think in terms of mental age. For 
example, for adults IQ of 70 is equivalent to mental age of 11 years. So the 
normal  range of mental ages in Africa is from 7 to 16 years, with an average 
at 11 years.
  Eleven-year-oled, of course, are not retarded. They can drive cars, bulid 
houses, and work in factories- if supervised properly. They can also make war.
  I terms of mental age then, the Africans who drop out of primary school 
correspond to 7-year-olds. Those who get to high school correspond to 
11-year-olds. The top university  students we tested correspond to 16- and 
17-year olds.
  Adult Whites, by conrast, have mental ages ranging from 11-to-24-years, with 
an average mental age of 16-to-18years.
  This is an astonishing fact, with sweeping implications for both domestic and 
foreign policy.But it seems to be very difficult for peole to grasp. One reason 
put forward by Arthur Jensen in The G Factor (P367-9) many sub-70 IQ whites are 
retarded as a result of IN UTERO MISFORTUNES, with visible deficiencies in 
motor skills and speech. The majority of sub-70 IQ blacks, in contrast, are 
technically normal. They appear fully functional.

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