peter liem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Bung Kheng Hong:
Sudilah beritahu sumbernya.
Peter Liem
--- Can Kheng Hong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear friends, 
> Patut dibaca untuk mengenal latar belakang
> pergolakan di Tibet 
> Salam,
> Kheng Hong
> TIBET: Myth and Reality
> Tibet's isolation and unique religious 
> practices 
> have made it the focus of many Western 
> myths.
> by Foster Stockwell
> Western concepts of Tibet embrace more myth than 
> reality. The idea that Tibet is an
> oppressed nation composed of
> peaceful Buddhists who never did anyone any harm
> distorts history. In fact the
> belief that the Dalai Lama is the leader 
> of world Buddhism rather than being just the
> leader of one sect among more
> than 1,700 "Living Buddhas" of this unique 
> Tibetan form of the faith displays a
> parochial view of world 
> religions.
> The myth, of course, is an outgrowth of 
> Tibet's former inaccessibility, which has
> fostered illusions about this
> mysterious land in the midst of the Himalayan 
> Mountains -- illusions that have been
> skillfully promoted for political
> purposes by the Dalai Lama's advocates. The myth 
> will inevitably die, as all myths do,
> but until this happens, it would
> be wise to learn a few useful facts about this area 
> of China.
> First, Tibet has been a part of China ever 
> since it was merged into that country in
> 1239, when the Mongols began
> creating the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). This was 
> before Marco Polo reached China from
> Europe and more than two 
> centuries before Columbus sailed to the New World.
> True, China's hold on this area
> sometimes appeared somewhat loose, 
> but neither the Chinese nor many Tibetans have ever
> denied that Tibet has been a part
> of China from the Yuan Dynasty to 
> this very day.
> The early Tibetans evolved into a number 
> of competing nomadic tribes and developed a
> religion known as Bon that was
> led by shamans who conducted rituals that 
> involved the sacrifice of many animals and
> some humans. These tribes fought
> battles with each other for better grazing 
> lands, battles in which they killed or made
> slaves of those they conquered.
> They roamed far beyond the borders of Tibet 
> into areas of China's Sichuan and Yunnan
> provinces, Xinjiang, Gansu, and
> Qinghai. Eventually one of these tribes, the Tubo, 
> became the most powerful and took
> control of all Tibet. (The name
> Tibet comes from Tubo.) During China's Tang Dynasty 
> (618-907), Emperor Taizong
> improved relations with the Tubo 
> king, Songtsen Gampo, by giving him one of his
> daughters, 
> Princess Wenzheng, in marriage. The
> Tubos, in response to this 
> cementing of relations, developed close fraternal
> ties with the Tang court, and the
> two ruling powers regularly exchanged 
> gifts.
> The princess arrived in Tibet with an entourage 
> of hundreds of servants, skilled
> craftspeople, and scribes. She
> was a Buddhist, as were all of the Tang emperors,
> and so Buddhism entered Tibet
> mainly through her influence, only to 
> be suppressed later by resentful Bon shamans.
> Some years later another Tang
> princess was married to another Tubo king, again 
> to cement relations between the two
> rulers.
> The fact that the Tibetans and
> the Chinese had united royal families 
> and engaged actively in trade (Tibetan horses
> for tea of the Central Plain)
> didn't mean an absence of conflict between 
> them. Battles occasionally occurred between
> Tang and Tubo troops, mostly over
> territorial issues. At one point in the 
> 750s, the Tubos, taking advantage of a
> rebellion against the Tangs by
> other armed groups in China, raced on horseback 
> across China to enter the Tang capital
> of Chang'an. But, they couldn't
> hold the city.
> In 838, the Tubo king was 
> assassinated by two pro-Bon ministers, and the Bon
> religion was re-established as
> the only acceptable religion in Tibet. 
> Buddhists were widely persecuted and forced
> into hiding.
> Trade between Tibet and the interior areas 
> continued during the Five Dynasties
> (907-960) and the Song Dynasty
> (960-1279) that followed the collapse of the Tang, 
> although relations between the two
> ruling powers were limited. 
> During this time Buddhism revived in Tibet as a
> result of the Buddhists'
> willingness to accommodate some Bon practices. The 
> form of Buddhism that resulted from
> this merging of the two religions
> was quite different from that of China and other 
> countries in Southeast Asia, as well
> as from the form that had been
> practiced previously in Tibet.
> Tibetan Buddhism, often called
> Lamaism, appealed to the Mongols, who conquered 
> most of Russia, parts of Europe, and
> all of China under the leadership
> of Genghis Khan. The Mongols, like the Tibetans, 
> were tribal herders who had a
> religion of animism similar to 
> Bon.
> When Kublai Khan, the first Yuan emperor, 
> appointed administrators to Tibet, he
> elevated the head of the Tibetan
> Buddhist Sakya sect to the post of leader of all 
> Buddhists in China, thus giving this
> monk greater power than any
> Buddhist had ever held before - and probably since. 
> Needless to say, the appointment
> irritated the leaders of the 
> other Buddhist sects in Tibet and the much larger
> group of non-Tibetan Buddhists in
> China. But, they couldn't do anything 
> to counter the wishes of the emperor.
> The Yuan Dynasty divided Tibet
> into a series of administrative areas and put 
> these areas under the charge of an
> imperial preceptor. Furthermore,
> the Yuan court encouraged the growth of feudal 
> estates in Tibet as a way to maintain
> control there.
> When the Yuan Dynasty collapsed, it was replaced 
> by the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644),
> which wasn't composed of persons
> of Mongolian heritage. Tibet then became splintered 
> because the Ming court adopted a
> policy of granting hereditary 
> titles to many nobles and a policy of divide and 
> rule.
> Although the Ming court conferred the honorific 
> title of Desi (ruling lama) to the
> head of one of Tibet's most 
> powerful families, the Rinpung family, they also
> bestowed enough official titles
> to his subordinates to encourage 
> separatist trends within the local Tibetan society.
> One of these titles was given to
> the head of the newly founded 
> Gelugpa sect, better known as the Yellow sect. He
> later took on the title "Dalai
> Lama."
> Tibet During the Qing Dynasty
> The next and last dynasty, the
> Qing, came to power in 1644 and 
> lasted until 1911. At the time of its founding, the
> most prominent Tibetan religious
> and secular leaders were the fifth 
> Dalai Lama, the fourth Panchen Lama, and Gushri
> Khan. They formed a delegation
> that arrived at the Chinese capital, 
> Beijing, in 1652.
> Before they returned to Tibet the 
> following year, the emperor officially conferred
> upon Lozang Gyatso (the then
> Dalai Lama), the honorific title "The Dalai 
> Lama, Buddha of Great Compassion in the
> West, 
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