Menurut kamus Tianxia artinya = 1. world; everywhere under heaven 2. China

Terjemahan kata Tianxia di film Hero memang sering dipermasalahkan dan bisa 
dibaca di sini:

All under heaven (Chinese: 天下; pinyin: tiān xià) is a concept in Chinese 
history. It was related to the Chinese conception of China as the Middle 
Kingdom, the center of the universe. In ancient Chinese political thought, the 
Chinese emperor would ideally rule all under heaven, that is, the entire world, 
which was possible because China was considered to be so vast that it 
encompassed all the world. The known kingdoms that lay outside of China were 
considered to be barbaric, and many of them paid tribute to the Chinese emperor 
and were under the suzerainty of the Chinese empire.

Since ancient times, the Chinese emperor has used the concept of all under 
heaven to justify his rule of China. In more modern times, the concept of all 
under heaven has controversially used as a justification for Chinese 
reunification, applied to Taiwan and Tibet.

Usage in the film Hero -2002

The original English subtitles for the film when it was released in East Asia 
used the phrase "all under heaven" as the translation for 天下 tiān xi�. This was 
slightly problematic because several times throughout the film, 天下 tiān xi� is 
referred to as a two-character phrase. Since "all under heaven" is a three-word 
English phrase, it was necessary to substitute "three words" for "two words" in 
other parts of the subtitle translation when the characters in the film are 
discussing the phrase.

However, when the film was released in the United States in 2004, the English 
subtitle translation was changed to "our land". While this retained the 
property of 天下 tiān xi� consisting of only two words/characters, this 
translation was severely criticized by many Chinese speakers in the United 
States because it lost the essence of the meaning of all under heaven.

In the West, Hero received generally positive reviews from movie critics; it 
also did well at the box office, setting a record as the highest-grossing 
opening-weekend foreign language film in the United States. However, some 
critics criticized Hero for its apparent endorsement of authoritarian 
governments and for its perceived support of Chinese reunification using the 
justification of all under heaven.

Paludan, Ann. Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors: The Reign-By-Reign Record of 
the Rulers of Imperial China. London: Thames and Hudson, 1998. 
Categories: History of China

--- On Sat, 11/15/08, Hendry Kuishando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Hendry Kuishando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [budaya_tionghua] Hero (2002) - 天下 = Our Land?
Date: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 11:07 PM

Halo selamat siang semuanya.

Tadi saya baru saja menonton film Hero yang dimainkan oleh Jet Lee, Tony Leung, 
Bagus banget koreografinya. . Segi ceritanya cukup memusingkan buat saya.. he 
he he
Nah ada yang buat saya bingung.. Our Land.. Apa benar tionghoa menyebut 
negaranya/tanahnya Our Land? Setelah saya googling, ternyata hanzinya adalah 天下 
(Tian Xia), yang sy kira-kira harfiahnya di bawah langit. Itu kan luas banget.. 
Ada yang bisa cerita gak, kenapa 天下 diterjemahkan sebagai Our Land, dan kalau 
memang artinya Our Land bukan dunia, kok bisa ya? Jadi inget di film silat 
kadang2 ada kata-kata 天下无双 keren banget, artinya kira-kira tiada tandingan kalo 
(wushuang nya aja). Kenapa ditambah TianXia? Apa ada TianShang? atau Tian itu 
udah jelas shang?
Atau itu hanya istilah?

Terima kasih,


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