Obama's half brother performs in China

 Mark Ndesandjo, the intensely private half-brother of President-elect Barack 
Obama, plays the piano to raise money for orphans during a charity concert in 
Shenzhen, southern China, Friday, Jan. 16, 2009. TThe press release for the 
concert didn't reveal the long-kept secret of who Mark Ndesandjo really is, and 
nor did the posters and e-mails promoting the event in this southern Chinese 
boomtown where he wore a brown silk Chinese-style shirt while playing the piano 
to raise money for orphans. . (AP Photo/Kin Cheung) 
By William Foreman 
Associated Press Writer / January 16, 2009 

SHENZHEN, China—The news release didn't say who Mark Ndesandjo was. Nor did the 
posters and e-mails promoting the concert Friday in this southern Chinese 
boomtown where he played piano to raise money for orphans.

But the 200 or so people who showed up for the fundraiser at a posh hotel 
resort knew the man in a Chinese-style brown silk shirt was the half brother of 
President-elect Barack Obama. They had a rare encounter with Ndesandjo, who has 
been dodging the media since his family ties were made public last summer.
For the past seven years, Ndesandjo has been living in Shenzhen, a freewheeling 
city just across the border from Hong Kong. The announcement for his piano 
concert identified him as a strategic marketing consultant. He also helped 
start a chain of eateries in China called Cabin BBQ.
Ndesandjo has a thin mustache, shaved head and a gold stud in his left earlobe. 
He slightly resembles his half brother, and shares the same trim, athletic 
physique. He speaks Mandarin, is a vegetarian and practices Chinese calligraphy.
And he said Friday that he has just finished a novel called "Nairobi to 
Shenzhen," but as yet has no publisher.
Ndesandjo apparently wants a low-key life separate from Obama. No one mentioned 
his family when he was introduced at the charity concert and cocktail party 
sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce in South China.
During brief remarks on stage, Ndesandjo mentioned that he would visit the U.S. 
in a couple days, apparently to attend Tuesday's presidential inauguration. He 
said if he didn't make the trip in time, he would embarrass his family.
And he told the crowd that chamber president, Harley Seyedin, was fond of the 
president-elect. Ndesandjo added, "I like my president, too!" That was the 
closest he came to mentioning Barack Obama.
Ndesandjo's reluctance to play up his famous relative is extremely unusual in 
China, where people commonly name drop and use their connections to advance 
their interests. In China, relationships, or "guanxi," with powerful people are 
golden and rarely wasted in winning new business or opening other doors.
As his Chinese wife watched, Ndesandjo began his performance with a Chinese 
tune called "Liuyang River" followed by what he said was "Chopin's First 
Nocturne." His third and final piece was a jazz tune by Fats Waller called 
"Viper's Drag."
He played with passion, at times hunched over the keyboard or rocking back with 
his eyes closed and lips slightly parted in expressions of ectasy and agony.
His Chinese friend and restaurant business partner, Sui Zhenjun, said he has 
known Ndesandjo since he arrived in China in 2002.
"But it wasn't until July when media reports started surfacing about him being 
related to Obama that I found out they were related," he told The Associated 
Press. "He called and told me."
Ndesandjo declined to answer questions from the AP at Friday's concert. He 
wouldn't confirm basic details about his past or discuss his relationship with 
He uses the surname of his mother, Ruth, the third wife of his father, who died 
in 1982. He was born in Kenya and moved to the United States when he was a 
Footage from a Chinese TV news show posted on Youtube shows him practicing 
calligraphy at home and teaching children how to play the piano, praising them 
in Mandarin and English.
On Friday, he said he had visited a Shenzhen orphanage shortly after arriving 
in China and saw rows and rows of sleeping babies while a harried staff of two 
nurses tried to care for them.
"One child with big black eyes seized my finger and would not let it go," he 
told the crowd.
After the charity event, Ndesandjo chatted with friends and shook hands as he 
slowly walked out of the venue pursued by journalists hoping for a comment. He 
slipped into an elevator and continued to ignore questions as the door slowly 

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