Be carefull with Grouply
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Please read slowly this important news(include : translate to Id
language). There are a few new services coming online which are social
"networking" sites similar to My Space and Facebook. One of these new
services is called "Grouply".

Grouply is tapping Yahoo lists and reposting the messages to Grouply
members. As soon as ONE list member joins this service, all of our
messages will then be archived by Grouply. Grouply changes your email
address to (yourname)@grouply. com. for the purpose of your Yahoo list
mail only. They will also go into your Yahoo account and change all of
your preferences regarding how you view your mail, whether you get
individual posts or digests, and whether you can be directly added to
any of a million other Yahoo groups.

Source :
"Grouply masuk ke daftar nama di Yahoo anda dan kemudian mengirimkan
pesan ke anggota Grouply. setelah satu anggota dari list bergabung ke
Grouply, semua pesan kita akan diarsip oleh Grouply. Grouply merubah
alamat anda ke (nama anda) untuk list Yahoomail saja. juga
masuk ke account Yahoo dan merubah semua preferensi view mail."

Sumber :

Grouply is under serious scrutiny (appalled scrutiny) by YahooGroups
list owners for a wide variety of security and list violation reasons.
(I know, I'm one of them and am involved in the discussions.) It IS a
problem that they require your YahooGroups ID and password -

"Grouply sedang diawasi dengan seksama oleh pemilik YahooGroups list
karena beragam pelanggaran keamanan dan pelanggaran list karena mereka
mengharuskan ID dan Password Yahoogroup."

Many list owners are banning/removing people who access their lists
through Grouply, and are working with the Grouply founders to fix the
serious security problems that were discovered by list owners testing
the system out of necessity because their lists' integrity was being

Source :
"Banyak pemilik list yang mem ban / melepas keanggotaan anggota yang
mengakses list mereka melalui Grouply.... ada masalah keamanan serius
yang ditemukan oleh pemilik list yang menguji sistem karena integritas
list telah diretas."

sumber :

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