Posting di milis sebelah, yang tetapinya sebetulnya lebih pas kalau dikirimnya 
ke ini milis budaya tionghoa.

Kalau berminat fotocopy-annya, silahkan langsung pada alamat ybs.
Atau bisa juga liwat saya, nanti saya teruskan kepada beliaunya.

Yang penting pesanannya liwat japri, jangan liwat milis ini.
Nanti mengganggu members lain-lainnya.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: Sutrisno Murtiyoso 
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 3:02 PM
Subject: [Mstjersil] The Religious System of China

Liatwie Sianseng dan Hoedjin, sukur kalu ada Siotjia, kendati tida banjak 
mengharep ...

Bebrapa waktu kemaren, siauwtjeng ada sampekan kota Say-shia dan ditrima dengen 
manis sama Djit Sie Thayhaksoe di itu tempat.

Suda begitu siauwtjeng dikasi tempo buat meliat-liat pula Hoa-boen Tjeng-kok.
Sunggu ini Ranggon Kitab ada sunggu membikin mata silo!

Dasarnja memang kepala obi dan peruntungan pendek, maka kendati dikasi redjeki 
saperti Gunung Thaysan, siauwtjeng tjuma mampuh menggondol keluar satu kitab 
kuno! Itu djuga tjuma bagian atas, sedeng bagian bawa, jang mungkin memuat 
kouwkoat Kioe-im Pek Koet Djiauw tida sempat ikut dibawa.
Machlum ini tjinkeng ada sanget langka, kerna dikaluarken di tahon 1892.

Sewaktu siauwtjeng keraskan hati tengok di Loeilobong (Djala Electrisch di ini 
djeman) baru ketauan kalu disitu ada didjual dengen harga $ 550.
Pantes thauwtoo rudin tida perna meliatnja di gredja-gredja bokbrok!

Wah, tapi djadi kepandjangan tjerita. Kerna ini surat ada sedikit kaluar garis 
of off topic, maka kalu jang tida kenal mata surat supaja berenti disini 
sahadja. Daripada nanti kedjadian saperti siauwtjeng jang bodo, merundingkan 
tjinkeng murni, saperti bebek mendenger gludug, tetep sadja bercowat-cowet, 
tida mengerti kalu Loei-kong lagi marah!

Ini tjinkeng menuturkan urusan jang paling sentral dalem orang Tjina punja 
pengidupan, jalah KAMATIAN.
Djadi pegimana orang mati diurus perbaek supaja nantinja dapetken tempat jang 
baek, apa itu di Langit Barat atawa di tempat laen lagi.

Terlebi menarik, tjontonja banjak diambil dari kabiasahan orang Hokkian Ee-moei.
Djadi buat Hokkian-lang jang mau siap-siap berangkat ke Langit, ini buku ada 
sanget dipudjiken!

Tebel buku sampe 1500 pagina's.
Dibagi dalem 3 djilid, suda tentu formaat toegoeloewak ...

Onkost seduh sekalian kirim di Djawa ada 200.000 tangtjhie.

Tjiongwie sietjoe jang berminat ikut menjeduh ini kopi, disilahkan memberi 
kabar per adres, nanti aken dikasi tau nomer rekening Hiangphek 
Thauwtoo di BCA Ginhang. Tida ditulis disini kerna aken bikin malu kalu 
kedjadian dibobol maling tjanggih, isinja tida ada!!
Kabaran amalan sietjoe beramai ditunggu sampe tgl. 5 Februari atawa 
tjapdjiegwee djitjapdji.

Semua urusan diharep memake Garis (jalur) Pribadi, tida memake pang mailing 
list punja, kerna tida aken dijawab, tapi dibatjok sama Jang Ketawa Dingin Di 
Atas Penglari ...

The Religious System of China
Its ancient forms, evolution, history and present aspect.
Manners, custom and Social institutions connected therewith

J.J.M. de Groot

Leiden, 1892

Volume I:
Book I: Disposal of the Dead
Part I: Funeral Rites
Chapter I: The Decease
Chapter II: The Interval between Death and the Dressing of the Corpse
Chapter III: Dressing The Corpse
1. The Grave Clothes
2. Dressing the Dead
Chapter IV: Sacrifices and Rites betwenn the Dressing and the Coffining
Chapter V: The Coffining
Chapter VI: THe Interval between Coffining and Burial
Chapter VII: The Burial
Chapter VIII: Usages after the Removal of the Coffin and after the Burial
Chapter IX: The Relationship between the ancient and modern Funeral Rites

Part II: The Ideas of Resurrection
Chapter I: Calling back the Soul. The Death-howl
1. Recalling the Soul
2. The Death-howl
Chapter II: On postponing the Dressing of the Dead, Coffining and Burial
Chapter III: On placing Precious Objects in the Mouth of the Dead
Chapter IV: On Coffins and Grave Vaults
Chapter V: On some other Usages prompted by the Belief in A Resurrection
1. Washing and Dressing the Dead
2. Keeping the Dead unmutilated
Chapter VI: On the Cohabitation of the Soul and the Body after Death
Chapter VII: Placing Food in the Mouth and by the side of the Deceased

Volume II
Book I: Disposal of the Dead
Part III: The Grave (First Half)
Chapter I: The Genesis of the Grave
Chapter II: The Gravew as the Dwelling of the Soul
Chapter III: Placing Food and Drink in the Grave.
Sacrifising on the Tombs
Grave Altars and Grave Temples 
Chapter IV: Placing Valuables, Requisites of Life, Animals, etc. in the Grave
Chapter V: Concerning large Tombs, big Tumuli, and Grave Trees
Chapter VI: On Mourning Customs.
1. The Origin of Mourning and Fasting for the Dead
2. Renouncing the Dwelling and its Furniture as a token of Mourning
3. Mourning as a Social and Political Institution in Ancient and Modern China
4. Music prohibited during Mourning
5. Abstaining from Sexual Intercourse and Marriage while in Mourning
6. It is forbidden to separate one's self from the Clan and divide the 
Patrimony while in Mourning
7. Mourning observed for Rulers
8. Mourning for Teachers
9. Contact with Mourning is hurtful to Men and Gods
Chapter VII: Fasting for the Dead
Chapter VIII: Reaction against the Waste of Wealth in burying the Dead
Sacrificing valueless Counterfeits to the Dead
Chapter IX: Concerning the Sacrifices of Human Beings at Burials, and Usages 
connected therewith
1. The Sacrifice of Human Beings at the Burials
2. On the Custom of Dwelling upon Tombs
3. On Burying Deceased Wives in the Tombs of their Pre-deceased Husbands.
Marriages after Death
4. On Burying Human Effigies with the Dead and Placing Stone Images upon the 

Volume III
Book I: Disposal of the Dead
Part III: The Grave (Second Half)
Chapter X: Concerning the Custom of Burying the Dead in the same Ground with 
their Ancestors
1. On Family Graves
On Conveying the Dead to their Native Place for burial
2. On Burying the Souls of the Dead without their Bodies
Chapter XI: Of the Care bestowed by the People and the Authorities upon the 
Dead of Others
1. Public Charity towards the Dead
2. The Proper Internment of the Dead is the Business of the Government
Chapter XII: Fung-shui
1. Introductory Notice
2. Fung-shui as regulated by High Grounds and Water-course
3. The History of Fung-shui
4. The Professors of Fung-shui.
The Influence of Fung-shui on Practical Life
Chapter XIII: On the Custom of Re-burying Bodies in other Graves.
Urn Burials
Chapters XIV: Description of Tombs and Mausolea
1. Concerning Graves of the Common People, the Nobility and the Mandarinate
2. Inscriptions placed upon and in the Tombs
3. The Mausolea of Princes of Imperial Lineage
4. The Imperial Cemeteries of the Ming Dynasty
5. The Burial Grounds of the Present Reigning Dynasty
a. The two Cemeteries in Peh-chili Province
b. The three Mausolea in Manchuria
Chapter XV: On Graveyards and free Burial Grounds

Additional Chapter: On some exceptional Ways of Disposing of the Dead
1. On the Custom of Throwing Away the Dead
2. Water Burial
3. Cremation

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