An interesting topic to discuss. Please read  another topic which I send soon 
after this, for a balance reading.
Harry Adinegara

On Thu, 22/4/10, sunny <> wrote:

From: sunny <>
Subject: [GELORA45] Do Asia's Awakening Giants Have Feet of Clay
Received: Thursday, 22 April, 2010, 8:20 AM


http://www.asiasent index.php? option=com_ 
Do Asia’s Awakening Giants Have Feet of Clay
Written by Pranab Bardhan    
Wednesday, 21 April 2010 
China and India both face serious hurdles in boosting living standards

Over the past few years the media have been agog over the rise of China and 
India in the international economy - and their remarkable recovery in this 
current global recession. After decades of relative stagnation, these two 
countries, containing nearly two-fifths of the world population, have had 
incomes grow at remarkably high rates since 1985.

In the world trade of manufacturing, China, and in that of services, India, 
have made big strides, much to the consternation - as yet largely unfounded - 
of workers and professionals in rich countries. The industrial growth along 
with acquisition of international companies by China and India attract much of 
the Western media attention.

But more revealing is what has happened to the lives of people inside these two 
countries and under what structural constraints. It's imperative to demolish 
myths that have accumulated in the media and parts of academia around the 
economic achievements of China and India and get a better sense of the real 
challenges faced by them.

In the recent, often breathless, accounts of the economic rise of China and 
India, a set of simple generalizations have become part of the conventional 
wisdom. The familiar story runs along these lines:

"Many decades of socialist controls and regulations stifled enterprise in both 
countries and led them to a dead end. Their recent market reforms and global 
integration have finally unleashed their entrepreneurial energies. Energetic 
participation in globalized capitalism has brought about high economic growth 
in both countries, which in turn led to a large decline in their massive 

"In particular, China is now the ‘manufacturing workshop of the world' and its 
industrial growth during the past quarter century is hailed as historically 
unique, even better than the earlier East Asian ‘miracles.'  India's economy 
has been transformed by service-sector- led growth, but overall growth has not 
been as dramatic as in China. China's better performance suggests that 
authoritarianism may be more conducive to development at early stages, as 
demonstrated earlier in South Korea, 


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