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Pemberontakan Taiping itu di tahun 1850 - 1864, dipimpin oleh Hong Xiuquan.
Latar belakangnya? Ketidakpuasan terhadap penguasa.

Ada kemiripan dengan pemberontakan Amakusa Shiro di mana kedua pemimpinnya
sama-sama mengaitkan pemberontakan mereka dengan agama Kristen tetapi motif
utamanya tetap bukan karena agama.

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 10:42 PM, indra pratama <indra_tama270...@yahoo.co.id
> wrote:

>  Dear all, kalau boleh tahu pemberontakan taiping terjadi pada tahun apa?
> Dan berlatar belakang kan apa?
> Best Regards,
> Indra Pratama
> *From:* budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
> budaya_tiong...@yahoogroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Ivan
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:43 AM
> *To:* budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* [budaya_tionghua] Buku tentang Sejarah Pemberontakan Taiping
> [gambar sampul bisa dilihat di
> http://sejarahastrologimetafisika.blogspot.com/2010/06/buku-tentang-pemberontakan-taiping-gods.html
> ]
> Data buku
> Judul : God's Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan
> Penerbit : W.W. Norton Company Ltd.
> Tahun terbit : 1997
> Jumlah hal : 400
> Dibeli di : Periplus
> Merupakan buku yang bagus mengenai sejarah pemberontakan Taiping. Dimulai
> dari sebelum hingga akhir pemberontakan tersebut.
> Hal 16
> [Tentang Liang Afa]
> To deepen his understanding of Christian missionary work in China, Stevens
> has talked as length with a Chinese Christian from Canton, Liang Afa. Born
> in 1789 to a poor family, Liang received only for years of schooling before
> he had to find work, first as a maker of writing brushes, and then as a
> carver of the wooden blocks used in book printing
> Liang Afa ini yang kemudian menulis traktat berjudul "Good Words of
> Exhorting the Age."
> Hal 17
> Liang Afa dibaptis pada tahun 1816. Ia lalu mulai menulis traktat dalam
> bahasa Mandarin "An Annotated Reader for Saving the World." Traktat ini
> terdiri dari 37 halaman. Isinya membahas mengenai:
> 1.Kekuasaan Tuhan sebagai pencipta.
> 2.Sepuluh Perintah Allah.
> 3.Kutipan-kutipan dari Surat-surat Paulus guna menjelaskan mengenai amarah
> dan kasih Tuhan.
> "Good Words of Exhorting the Age" karya lain Liang Afa baru ditulis tahun
> 1832. Judulnya dalam bahasa Mandarin adalan Quanshi liangyan – and after
> asking the Chinese-speaking Westeners missionaries to check it over for
> theological faults, Liang printed the book in Canton the same year.
> Hal 22
> Hong Huoxiu, the future Heavenly King, comes to Canton for the Confucian
> state examinations in the early spring of 1836…….
> In the years that he has been preparing for the examinations, Hong has been
> surrounded by his family – his father, who has remarried after Hong's mother
> death…….
> Hong also has his own new bride, named Lai, whom he married after the first
> young woman his parents arranged for him to marry died at an early age.
> Hal 24
> Hong is the scholar of the family, and his relatives all wish him well,
> even though there is too little income from the family farming to keep him
> as a full time student. Hong teaches in the village school – where as well
> as small sums in cash the payment is in food, lamp oil, salt, and to – to
> earn the extra that he needs.
> Hal 25
> Hong's ancestors migrated here from the northeastern part of Guangdong
> province in the 1680s, just as the new county was being formed…..
> The Hongs are Hakkas – "guest people" – as they are called in the local
> dialect of Canton, or "Nyin-hak," as they call themselves in their own
> dialect
> Hal 32
> As Hong remembers it, he does not read Liang's set of tracts carefully, but
> gives "a superficial glance at their contents." What exactly does Hong see?
> He does not say. But there, in the table of contents, is the Chinese
> character for Hong's own name. The character is sharp and clear, as the
> fourth item in the fourth tract. The literal meaning of Hong's name is
> "flood," and the heading says that the waters of a Hong have destroyed every
> living thing upon the earth. The passage in the tract itself repeats this
> startling news, and states that this destruction was ordered by Ye-huo-hua,
> the god's who created all living creatures. The Chinese transliteration for
> this god's name is Ye-huo-hua, the middle syllable of which – "Huo," or
> "fire" – is the same as the first syllable of Hong's given name, Houxiu. So
> Hong shares this god's name. There is flood, there is fire. And Hong Huoxiu,
> in some fashion, for some reason, partakes of both.
> Hal 51
> It is in 1843, in the summer, that Hong Xiuquan realizes he has the key ini
> this own hand; it has been there all the time for seven years. Enmeshed as
> he has been in the rhtythms of state-sponsored ceremonial, examinations, and
> family, his dream has stayed fastened ini his mind in all its detail, but
> still without clear explanation. A friend and distant relative named Li
> Jingfang, ini whose family Hong has been teaching, drops by Hong's house,
> sees an odd-looking book, and asks for the loan of it, which Hong as
> casually grants. The book is Liang Afa's set of nine tracts, "Good Words of
> Exhorting the Age, "brought home by Hong in 1836, and since then neither
> read nor thrown away. Li Jingfang read the tracts with rapt attention.
> Returning to Hong's home, he urges that he read it too. Hong does.
> Traktat Liang itu sesuai dengan pemikiran Hong dalam berbagai hal, karena
> isinya berpusat pada asal muasal kejahatan, dan arti kebajikan.


Narpati Wisjnu Ari Pradana
Dumbest Software Engineer
Phone +62 (856) 934 21318

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