Oh, and a few other libraries I feel would be useful to have wrappers
around include:

   - Regex:
   - JSON
   - XML
   - Images loading and saving (libpng for example, or even easier: netpbm)
   - Ability to directly load spreadsheet files? (LibreOffice and Excel). I
   suppose one could easily go through CSV though.

There are plenty of others, but those are the ones I have missed.
Especially Regex would be incredibly helpful when reading texual input and
you want to get it into some kind of array-based format for APL processing.


On 22 April 2014 22:25, Elias Mårtenson <loke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You want to implement it?
> I'm thinking that a wrapper around libcurl would be very useful as well. I
> know it can be implemented on top of socket primitives, but there is a lot
> of intelligence in libcurl that would be painful to reimplement.
> http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/
> Regards,
> Elias
> On 22 April 2014 22:23, Blake McBride <blake1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I strongly agree.  Also, sockets will give us better direct access to Web
>> technology (i.e. web services).
>> Thanks.
>> Blake
>> On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Elias Mårtenson <loke...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I'd love to add trace (step) functionality to the Emacs mode, if the
>>> underlying functionality is available. Jürgen?
>>> A native library for sockets is an obvious feature to add. It should be
>>> rather trivial to do so.
>>> GUI interface is, in fact, less important in my opinion. These days most
>>> people do GUI's using web technologies anyway.
>>> Regards,
>>> Elias
>>> On 22 April 2014 22:12, Blake McBride <blake1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I know the history of J, and I agree with what they did.  I also fully
>>>> agree with your observations regarding Tk.  GTK+ is a far better choice
>>>> than Tk.  There is one important difference though.  Integrating GTK+ is a
>>>> huge job!  Integrating Tk is much easier.  Bang for the buck, Tk is a good
>>>> first pass at enabling a GUI interface of some sort.
>>>> The work done on APL's file systems and code cleanups are far more
>>>> important to me.  I just think that adding sockets and a GUI interface at
>>>> some point would present GNU APL as a total solution.  Having said all
>>>> that, however, I certainly think the present course of tightening up the
>>>> code, adding more standard APL facilities (trace, stop, etc.), and a file
>>>> system are top priority.  I am just bring up some of theses ideas.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Blake
>>>> On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:52 PM, Elias Mårtenson <loke...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> The J community seems to be pretty excited about their QT interface.
>>>>> Tk is easy to use, but results in horrible-looking applications that
>>>>> doesn't integrate well with the rest of the interface.
>>>>> If I were to implement support for a GUI framework, it'd be either
>>>>> GTK+ or Android, depending on whether I wanted to target desktops or 
>>>>> mobile
>>>>> devices.
>>>>> That said, I have no intention to do either so my opinions on this
>>>>> matters approximately this much: ⍬
>>>>> Do you have plans to implement this Tk support? If so, I will applaud
>>>>> your efforts and my preferences for other frameworks will not stop me from
>>>>> helping if I can.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Elias
>>>>> On 22 April 2014 09:30, Blake McBride <blake1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Just an idea.

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