OK, thanks for the hints. I've spent some time looking at this issue and I
now have an idea what is happening.

When you issue )LOAD, the native library becomes loaded again, even though
it's already loaded. There are two issues with this:

First and foremost, after the )LOAD the version of libemacs that is shipped
with GNU APL was loaded, not the one correct onw (which happens to be in my
development directory). If you intend to call dlopen on the same library,
it's important that it's actually the same library and not another one with
the same name in a different directory.

Secondly, after loading this library again, GNU APL calls the get_sig()
function again. Even if the dlopen() call had returned the same pointer,
this would be problematic because the library performs some initialisation
stuff in this function call (as you previously had recommended when I asked
where I should run the initialisation). Trying to reinitialise an already
initialised library is not good.

In short, I think that the idea of using a normal function as entry point
into the native code is problematic. I wouldn't mind a redesign of this so
that native code lives in a namespace separate from the normal code so it's
unaffected by calls to )CLEAR, )ERASE etc.


On 8 May 2014 18:51, Juergen Sauermann <juergen.sauerm...@t-online.de>wrote:

>  Hi,
> could you please print the value of start_input  just before line 223 in
> Input.cc like:
> *I*
> *nput::get_user_line(const UCS_string * prompt) { Q(start_input)    if
> (start_input)   (*start_input)(); ...*
> On my machine it looks OK (even if I don't set it):
> *     This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute
> it          according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
>                                        start_input:         '0' at
> Input.cc:223       )load DIJKSTRA SAVED 2014-5-8  10:42:39 (GMT+2)
> start_input:         '0' at Input.cc:223*
> /// Jürgen
> On 05/08/2014 05:07 AM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
> This was reported in this thread:
> https://github.com/lokedhs/gnu-apl-mode/issues/7
>  This problem seems to be caused by a bug in GNU APL. When the user calls
> )LOAD to load a workspace, the start_input callback function is not
> called before control is returned back to the user.
>  (because of this, the Emacs mode just sits there, hung, waiting for a
> call to start_input that never happens).
>  Regards,
> Elias

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