I am actually trying to do it with GNU APL. I just got the challenges from
Dyalog. :-)

I'll send you a link to it when I'm in front of a computer.

On 4 Jul 2014 00:32, "David Lamkins" <da...@lamkins.net> wrote:

> I assume you're trying to do this with Dyalog d-fns.
> You need a generator that can produce the next number in the sequence, and
> a test to check whether you're done.You can run the generator and test in a
> tail-recursive loop while accumulating the results.
> I don't know that you'd need to use local functions, but don't forget
> that's available.
> From: "Elias Mårtenson" <loke...@gmail.com>
>> To: "bug-apl@gnu.org" <bug-apl@gnu.org>
>> Cc:
>> Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2014 22:12:50 +0800
>> Subject: [Bug-apl] Fibonacci sequence
>> I was playing around with solving the Dyalog challenge, and I found them
>> pretty easy with the exception of one.
>> The goal was to write a lambda function that given a single integer,
>> returns a list of the Fibonacci series up to that number.
>> The only way I can think of solving it is by using a full function and a
>> loop. That can't possibly be the easiest way.
>> Any suggestions?
> --
> "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
>    Albert Einstein
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