Hi Elias,

works on my machine even with absolute paths. That's why I
need the printouts when started with -l37 (that shows the binpath that is being used). Also the command line how apl was started because that is the basis for computing
the binpath.

/// Jürgen

On 07/03/2014 08:22 AM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
I have a better idea what's going on now.

What happens is that it tries to launch */home/emartenson/src/apl/dist/bin/APnnn/APs/APserver*, which doesn't exist.

The actual file is */home/emartenson/src/apl/dist/bin/APserver*.

The problem seems to stem from a logic error in LibPaths::compute_bin_path when the APL binary is specified as an absolute path. It incorrectly determines that the bin path is */home/emartenson/src/apl/dist/bin/APnnn* instead of */home/emartenson/src/apl/dist/bin*.


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