That has always been part of the design. See the "max. component #" table.
On Jul 9, 2014 10:40 PM, "Elias Mårtenson" <> wrote:

> Oh, and one more thing:
> There is unfortunately no standard for getting the id of autoincrement
> columns. For maximum flexibility, I'd suggest the standard approach of
> having a separate table holding the "next" ID. Such table is usually
> designed as a two-column "next_id" table, where one column holds the object
> type (or table name) and the other column holds the next id.
> Regards,
> Elias
> On 10 July 2014 13:38, Elias Mårtenson <> wrote:
>> Thank you for looking into this.
>> Since the SQL API is database-agnostic, it would make sense to make your
>> library the same. Instead of trying to make sense of the file
>> specification, why don't you just pass it along to the SQL API? In other
>> words, just pass the database type (currently only "sqlite" or
>> "postgresql", but who knows what other databases we might want to support
>> in the future?) and the connect parameters to the SQL library without
>> looking at them?
>> Or, even easier, you might not want to call SQL∆Connect at all, and
>> simply accept an already-opened database handle?
>> As for the "files" concept, wouldn't it make more sense to allow multiple
>> files in a single database. The files index would then be stored in a
>> separate table, which would be linked to a column in the datastore. Listing
>> the files would then be a simple SELECT from the file-list-table.
>> Regards,
>> Elias
>> On 10 July 2014 13:30, David B. Lamkins <> wrote:
>>> Well, it seems simple enough, but I have zero experience with PostgreSQL
>>> and it's going to take me a while to ramp up...
>>> Therefore: Please apply the attached experimental patch and see whether
>>> you can get something working.
>>> Here's the gist of the change as implemented in this patch:
>>> CF_OPEN takes either a file name (no path separator; .cf extension) or a
>>> PostgreSQL URI. In the former case, you get a SQLite database file with
>>> the given name. In the latter case, lib_sql passes the URI through to
>>> the PostgreSQL server.
>>> Once you have a database handle (and - in the case of the PostgreSQL
>>> connection, I'd guess - a properly configured database) then everything
>>> else should work exactly the same. (Or maybe not... While proofreading
>>> this message, I realized that I depend upon SQLite's implict oid
>>> support; this may not be the same on PostgreSQL. But that's a small
>>> matter of either making a table definition that'll work in both cases,
>>> or creating a separate case for each SQL variant.)
>>> Elias, INSERT INTO should be valid in both SQLite and PostgreSQL. At
>>> least, that's what my quick search of the documentation suggests.
>>> Of course, the ISO component file APIs that are tied to *files* won't do
>>> anything useful for a PostgreSQL connection. This includes CF_ERASE,
>>> CF_RENAME and CF_CREATE; the first two for the obvious reasons and the
>>> last because (for now, until I figure out or someone tells me otherwise)
>>> I'm assuming that the PostgreSQL database passed to CF_OPEN will have
>>> been created by a database administrator. If we can prove basic
>>> operation, I'll take care of making the the file APIs do something
>>> reasonable (probably just signal a domain error) when passed a
>>> PostgreSQL URI.
>>> The alternate (non-URI) form of PostgreSQL connection string is not
>>> presently recognized. It may be tricky to distinguish between a
>>> poorly-formed file name and a properly-formed non-URI connection string.
>>> Guys: I'm willing to pursue this, but don't yet have the PostgreSQL
>>> knowledge to enable me to proceed. If you want to provide patches,
>>> that'd be great. If you're willing to talk me through setting up
>>> PostgreSQL (It's installed; I just haven't figured out how to create
>>> roles and databases yet...) that'd be even better.
>>> I'll mention in passing that this seems like a bit of an abuse of the
>>> component *file* concept since there's no readily-accessible (to the
>>> application programmer, anyhow) file in the case of the PostgreSQL
>>> database.
>>> On the other hand, the ability to host a component file abstraction on a
>>> database server seems like an interesting and possibly useful
>>> "conforming extension". I imagine that this could be a relatively easy
>>> way to implement multiuser access, as well. (I'm assuming that
>>> PostgreSQL handles multiple clients and can do The Right Thing w.r.t.
>>> locking.)
>>> Let's see where this goes. I'm looking forward to your feedback and
>>> help...
>>> On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 12:56 +0800, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
>>> > Yes, that's how I work too. My home server contains a Postgres
>>> > instance that I use for pretty much everything. It's quite convenient.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> > Elias
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On 10 July 2014 12:53, Blake McBride <> wrote:
>>> >         Greetings,
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >         PostgreSQL is very important to, at least, me.  I do a lot of
>>> >         production work in PostgreSQL.  I like SQLite too, but I would
>>> >         only use it when the data didn't relate to anything but APL.
>>> >          Here is what I propose.  Since your component file system
>>> >         rides on top of SQL, and the standard doesn't know or care
>>> >         about anything below the APL level, we should add a function
>>> >         that allows the user to specify the database information
>>> >         (dbname, user, password, etc.).  That call would be made as
>>> >         sort of a setup step.  Once that setup step is specified, all
>>> >         of the standard API should work as described.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >         This will give us a totally standard API.  If someone wants to
>>> >         switch to GNU APL, all they have to do is add one function to
>>> >         specify the database.  Not too much to ask.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >         We kind of have to do this.  Even with SQLite, you still have
>>> >         to specify the database name (I presume one database contains
>>> >         many component files).
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >         Thanks.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >         Blake
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >         On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 9:44 PM, David B. Lamkins
>>> >         <> wrote:
>>> >                 I'm certainly willing to consider alternatives. IIUC,
>>> >                 lib_sql also
>>> >                 supports PostgreSQL. Anything else?
>>> >
>>> >                 How do I tell lib_sql to use a PostgreSQL server?
>>> >
>>> >                 The argument in favor of SQLite, of course, is that
>>> >                 it's serverless. No
>>> >                 additional setup (beyond the installation of the
>>> >                 library) required.
>>> >
>>> >                 Would there be any additional benefits or concerns
>>> >                 when connecting to a
>>> >                 PostgreSQL server?
>>> >
>>> >                 As you've no doubt noticed, there's nothing in the
>>> >                 code (or in the
>>> >                 standard API) to acknowledge or support the notion of
>>> >                 multiple users.
>>> >                 Again: point in favor of SQLite...
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >                 On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 10:25 +0800, Elias Mårtenson
>>> >                 wrote:
>>> >                 > I was looking at your code, and I noticed that it's
>>> >                 SQLite-specific.
>>> >                 > WOuldn't it make sense to make it
>>> >                 SQL-implementation-agnostic?
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > Based on what I can see, the only SQLite-specific
>>> >                 SQL you have in
>>> >                 > there is "replace into" which I had never heard
>>> >                 about before.
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > Regards,
>>> >                 > Elias
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 > On 9 July 2014 01:22, David Lamkins
>>> >                 <> wrote:
>>> >                 >         I haven't yet written test scripts, but I've
>>> >                 informally tested
>>> >                 >         all of the functions and am reasonably
>>> >                 confident that the
>>> >                 >         component file API is complete and correct.
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >         If you'd like to try out the API while I'm
>>> >                 working on scripted
>>> >                 >         test cases, the repo is:
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >         You'll find documentation is in the comments
>>> >                 and in Annex A of
>>> >                 >         the ISO 13751 standard.
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >         The standard "specifies a minimal set of
>>> >                 functions which a
>>> >                 >         conforming implementation must provide";
>>> >                 I've implemented all
>>> >                 >         of these. I've also added several useful
>>> >                 functions not
>>> >                 >         mentioned in the standard, including
>>> >                 component inquiry,
>>> >                 >         component drop, and transaction support.
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >         Note that the code is not packaged for my
>>> >                 package manager; I
>>> >                 >         assume that the component file
>>> >                 implementation would become an
>>> >                 >         L3 library in the event it's adopted for
>>> >                 inclusion in GNU APL.
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >         Júergen, I've specified the GPLv3 license
>>> >                 since that's what
>>> >                 >         GNU APL uses. If there's a more appropriate
>>> >                 choice of license
>>> >                 >         for this library, please let me know.
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >         --
>>> >                 >         "The secret to creativity is knowing how to
>>> >                 hide your
>>> >                 >         sources."
>>> >                 >            Albert Einstein
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >                 >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >

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