Thanks, I have merged the necessary changes.


On 22 September 2014 23:50, Juergen Sauermann <
> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I have finished a first shot at parallel (i.e. multicore) GNU APL: SVN 480.
> This version computes all scalar functions in parallel if the ravel length
> of the result exceeds 100.
> This can make the computation of small (but still > 100) vectors slower
> than if they were computed sequentially.
> Therefore parallel execution is not yet the default. To enable it:
> *    ./configure     make parallel     make     sudo make install*
> The current version uses some linux-specific features, which will be
> ported to other platforms later on (if possible).
> ./configure is supposed to detect this.
> Some simple benchmarks are promising:
> *      X←1000000⍴2J2   ⍝ 1 Mio complex numbers*
> *      ⎕SYL[26;2]←1   ⍝ 1 core*
> *      T←⎕TS ◊ ⊣X⋆X ◊ 1 1 1 24 60 60 1000⊥⎕TS - T*
> *246*
> *      ⎕SYL[26;2]←2   ⍝ 2 cores*
> *      T←⎕TS ◊ ⊣X⋆X ◊ 1 1 1 24 60 60 1000⊥⎕TS - T*
> *136*
> *      ⎕SYL[26;2]←3   ⍝ 3 cores*
> *      T←⎕TS ◊ ⊣X⋆X ◊ 1 1 1 24 60 60 1000⊥⎕TS - T*
> *102*
> *      ⎕SYL[26;2]←4   ⍝ 4 cores*
> *      T←⎕TS ◊ ⊣X⋆X ◊ 1 1 1 24 60 60 1000⊥⎕TS - T*
> 91
> The next step will be to find the break-even points of all scalar
> functions, so that parallel execution is
> only done when it promises some speedup.
> Elias, the *PointerCell* constructor has got one more argument . I have
> updated *emacs-mode* and *sql* accordingly.
> - you may want to sync back.
> /// Jürgen

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