Hi Blake,

if you save a workspace containing a native function then the name of the shared library
is saved and when GNU APL loads such a workspace then it attempts to reload the shared library.
If you move the workspace to a different machine then it should still work unless the shared library is missing.

The idea is that a native function should behave like a normal APL function as much as possible.

/// Jürgen

On 11/11/2014 06:01 AM, Blake McBride wrote:

If I do:


I get a function that is bound to the shared library.  If I then do:

      )SAVE XYZ
      )LOAD XYZ

I see FILE_IO is defined.  How can this be?  How could it already be bound to the shared library?  Wouldn't I have to do this afresh with (at least) every new evocation of APL?  How could it possibly still be bound?  What if I moved that workspace to a different machine?



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