
Is there a reason why GNU APL does not exit on EOF, aka. Ctrl-D on cooked
input? Every shell and interpreter I have ever used does so by default.

Maybe there are people who are used to typing "exit" or "logout" by hand,
but for those of us who have always hit Ctrl-D to exit from any interactive
line-oriented application, GNU APL's persistent refusal to do so is quite
annoying ;-)

Even Bash, when it has background jobs still running (that would become
orphaned or receive sighup) will print a warning at the first Ctrl-D, but
comply without further ado at the second one.

If there is no valid reason, meaning that it's just some historic behaviour
of APL interpreters, I would suggest changing it so that it's more coherent
with the rest of GNU CLI tools. If instead there are valid reasons, could
there be an option in the preferences file to enable it?


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