And then, of course, do this as line 1:


*Blake McBride*
Cell:  615-394-6760

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Blake McBride <> wrote:

> Would't you have to declare it as follows in order for that to work?
> * ∆←∆xl ∆1*
> *Blake McBride*
> Cell:  615-394-6760
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Juergen Sauermann <
>> wrote:
>>  Hi Fausto,
>> the *DOMAIN ERROR* is cause by the following function header:
>>  *∆←∆xl ∆*
>> Currently GNU APL rejects function headers with duplicate symbols.
>> IBM APL2 seems to accept duplicate names in the header, but the rules
>> about
>> this are not documented in the APL2 reference manual or the ISO standard.
>> I will make GNU APL compatible to IBM APL2.
>> In the meantime you can change the header to:
>> * ∆1←∆xl ∆*
>> and add a new first line:
>> *∆1**←**∆*
>> before *)OUT*-ing the function.
>> /// Jürgen
>>  On 04/24/2015 07:46 PM, Fausto Saporito wrote:
>> Hi Jürgen,
>> unfortunately Dyalog supports only extended format (as export format) not 
>> ATF...
>> So I need XFRPC workspace to read such format.
>> I found an APLX version of XFRPC, so I read it in APLX then exported
>> in ATF (with )OUT command... APLX supports ATF! YEAH! :) )
>> But when I try to load the ATF in GNU-APL I receive an error:
>>       )in xfrpcv5.atf
>> Duplicate symbol ∆!!!
>> immediate_execution() caught APL error 0x50004 (DOMAIN ERROR)
>> Attached there's the ATF file.
>> regards,
>> Fausto
>> 2015-04-24 19:23 GMT+02:00 Juergen Sauermann <> 
>> <>:
>>  Hi Fausto,
>> maybe you are lucky. The wiki page says:
>>     "2. Using fixed record length ATF files"
>> Now, ATF files are what )IN and )OUT read resp, produce. Chances are that
>> those
>> ATF files are the same as for IBM APL2. In that case all you need is to
>> write them in Dyalog and read them back into GNU APL using command )IN.
>> /// Jürgen
>> On 04/24/2015 07:00 PM, Fausto Saporito wrote:
>> Hello Jürgen,
>> thanks for the clarification.
>> I found this page and it's talking
>> about APL2000 and others vendors, so I hope to find something similar
>> with GNU-APL and Dyalog.
>> Dyalog supports ]OUT and it generates a XWD file (extended file, not ATF).
>> So I'm wondering if there's a way to support this kind of format .
>> thanks,
>> Fausto
>> 2015-04-24 18:17 GMT+02:00 Juergen Sauermann<> 
>> <>:
>> Hi Fausto,
>> I believe workspace files are generally not exchangeable between different
>> APL interpreters.
>> In some cases there are commands that allow the exchange of workspaces. For
>> example )IN and )OUT
>> would allow the exchange of workspaces between IBM APL2, GNU APL, and
>> possibly others. Not sure
>> though if Dyalog supports )IN and )OUT.
>> If you have a workspace from an interpreter that does not have such commands
>> then you normally
>> use monadic ⎕CR for obtaining a text representation of the APL functions in
>> the workspace. That
>> text representation can then be transferred either by writing it to a file
>> or cut-and-pasting it. There are
>> serious pitfalls in that process such as encoding differences and ⎕AV
>> differences. Even if the
>> transfer succeeds then the APL syntax might still differ.
>> You might be lucky finding APL programs some place that generate the 2 ⎕TF
>> format of IBM APL2;
>> that format is implemented in GNU APL as well.
>> Variables are handled similarly (2 ⎕TF handles both functions and
>> variables).
>> I all cases except )IN and )OUT you will most likely need the interpreter
>> that has produced the workspace
>> in order to )LOAD the workspace file before you can convert it yo a
>> different format.
>> /// Jürgen
>> On 04/24/2015 04:10 PM, Fausto Saporito wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm trying to used the workspace XFRPC11.w3 (downloaded from APL wiki)
>> in order to transfer file from Dyalog APL to GNU-APL.
>> When I try to load XFRPC11 I have an internal error.
>> I suppose the 'w3' format is only for APL2000... correct ?
>> Is there a way to use such method with GNU-APL too ?
>> thanks,
>> Fausto
>>       )copy XFRPC11.w3
>> Bad UTF8 sequence: 0xFC... at
>> ==============================================================================
>> Assertion failed: 0 && "Internal error in UTF8_string::toUni()"
>> in Function:      toUni
>> in file:
>> Call stack:
>> ----------------------------------------
>> -- Stack trace at
>> ----------------------------------------
>> 0xa @@@@
>> 0xa  @@@@
>> 0xa   @@@@
>> 0xa    @@@@
>> 0xa     @@@@
>> 0xa      @@@@
>> 0xa       @@@@
>> 0xa        @@@@
>> 0xa         @@@@
>> 0xa          @@@@
>> ========================================
>> SI stack:
>> Depth:    0
>> Exec:     0x7fa06041fdc0
>> Safe ex:  no
>> Pmode:    ◊  c
>> PC:       0
>> ==============================================================================
>> Assertion failed: idx < items_valid
>> in Function:      operator[]
>> in file:          ./Simple_string.hh:140
>> Call stack:
>> *** do_Assert() called recursively ***
>> ==============================================================================
>> *** immediate_execution() caught other exception ***

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