improved "df" function. This one won't wrap around when window size is
not large enough to display all functions and lambda. The output is
actually truncated to the window size, the goal is giving a quick look
of the workspace. As usual, make it a one workspace with one function,
both named "df" so ")copy df df" work to import it in any workspace.


      )erase df
names←((⊂[⎕io+1]⎕nl 3 4)~¨' ')~ ⊂"df"
lambda←({'λ'=↑⎕cr ⍵}¨names)/names
→(2> ⍴lambda)/nosrtl
lambda←{⍵[⎕av⍋⊃⍵]} lambda
nosrtl: func←names~lambda
func←{⍵[⎕av⍋⊃⍵]} func
nosrtf: func←{⍵ (22 ⎕cr ⎕cr ⍵)} ¨ func
lambda←{⍵,'←{',({⌽ {(+/^\' '=⍵)↓⍵} ⌽ ⍵} 2↓((⎕cr ⍵)[1+⎕io;])),({{⌽ {(+/^\' 
'=⍵)↓⍵} ⌽ ⍵} {(∨\t=';')/t←(⎕cr ⍵)[⎕io;]} ⍵} ⍵),'}'} ¨ lambda
⎕←,[⍳0] {((⍴,⍵)⌊(¯2+⎕fio ¯8))↑,⍵} ¨ ⊂[⎕io+1]⍕ ,[⍳0] ,func,(⊂' '),lambda,(⊂' ')

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