I think the key thing to remember here is that the final ∇ isn't part of
the program code, but rather is something analogous to an EOF marker.

>From that perspective, this makes sense.


On 5 Feb 2017 18:44, "Juergen Sauermann" <juergen.sauerm...@t-online.de>

On 02/05/2017 12:03 AM, enz...@gmx.com wrote:

> very complicated   messing with LineIndex.cc  with   allocated_height - 1
>    and in LineIndex.hh   messing with  set_cursor   got it to stay at the
> top but still input scrolled up one line and input stayed on 'same line' -
> instead of a true ^M    as in the xterm
> but with the script -- fixed in 878 compile    (my 877 compile didn't work
> ??)  I'm getting the results that i want/need with ^M and 'clear screen'
> working properly in xterm with script
> i already was using vi edit )dump file and then )copy in to workspace any
> way so this progression to pure scripting is i guess just progression in
> same direction.
> now to convince the stubborn gnuapl dev that a 'comment is a comment' in a
> fns       you don't want wikipedia to say ... a comment is a comment in
> EVERY COMPUTER PROGRAMMING lang except gnuapl ... do you ?  ;)
or to convince the stubborn user that typing ⍝ ∇ in IBM APL2 closes the
∇-editor even though
the ∇ looks like being commented out? And that EVERY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE
IBM APL2 even though the user does not like IBM APL2 ?

> thanks for the fixes
> On Sat, 4 Feb 2017 19:41:58 +0100
> Juergen Sauermann <juergen.sauerm...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Hi,
>> yes. Every line Input starts at
>> LineInput::get_terminal_line()
>> You can generate the Doxygen documentation to generate call graphs etc to
>> browse through the code.
>> The cursor is most likely positioned in
>> LineInput::edit_line() through the LineEditContext object (lec).
>> The function doing that is LineEditContext::set_cursor()
>> If you want to see who has been calling you (say, in set_cursor()) then
>> simply insert the macro BACKTRACE
>> at the point of interest.
>> /// Jürgen
>> On 02/04/2017 07:17 PM, enz...@gmx.com wrote:
>> can you give me a specific thing in the source to look at so that 'enter'
>> does not go to the end of page ?  we went over allocate_height and it
>> didn't seem to be the place

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