I made the changes needed to use UTF-32 instead. It turned out that the
PCRE version 1 API I was using does not properly support UTF-32 patterns
(only match data). Thus, I changed the code to use version 2 instead.

I have attached the two files that I changed. It works, as can be seen in
the below example, but it's nowhere near complete.

*      '(..)..(..)⍱$' ⎕RE "footesting⌽⍱"*
┃"st" "g⌽"┃

Now, there are two changes I would like to see:

   - If the right-hand argument is an array of strings, the pattern should
   be applied to all strings, collecting the results into a 2D array. This
   will be quite efficient, since the pattern only needs to be compiled once.
   - I'd like an axis-argument with options. One of those options should be
   a flag that causes a mismatch to yield an error instead of ⍬. This would be
   useful when the regex check is used to extract data out of data which is
   expected to follow a given pattern (think one-liners in interactive mode).

The reason I haven't implemented these myself is because I find the current
code to be absolutely awful, especially with all the duplicated code to
deallocate PCRE structures. In Lisp I'd use an UNWIND-PROTECT (or
try/finally in Java), but in C++ I think I have to declare a new class with
a destructor to handle this, correct? Is there anyone who would like to
clean this up?


On 21 September 2017 at 19:39, Juergen Sauermann <
juergen.sauerm...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hi Elias,
> the UTF8_constructors look OK, but it can be tricky to properly interpret
> indices (the elements of sub in your code) of
> UTF8-encoded strings (i.e whether they mean code points or byte offsets).
> My feeling is that you should avoid UTF8_strings completely and go for the
> UTF32 option of the library (assuming that
> UTF32 are codepoints encoded as 32 bit integers). APL character strings
> are almost UTF32 strings (except for gaps between
> the codepoints) and they avoid all the bits shifting needed for UTF8
> strings.
> Best Regards,
> /// Jürgen
> On 09/21/2017 12:09 PM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
> I've implemented the bare minimal needed to get regexes working through
> a ⎕RE function. I've attached the diff.
> I really need Jürgen to take a look at this, since my code that constructs
> the return value cannot possibly be correct. There must be a better way to
> handle this which does not involve conversion back and forth between
> std::string.
> Also, I have the result in an UTF-8-encoded C string, and I try to create
> an UTF8_string from it like this:
>     Value_P field_value(UTF8_string(field.c_str()), LOC);
> However, when I test this in APL I get the following result:
>       '(..)..(..)$' ⎕RE 'sdklfjfj⍉'
> ┏→━━━━━━━━━━┓
> ┃"lf" "jâ\215\211"┃
> ┗∊━━━━━━━━━━┛
> It seems the UTF-8 conversion is not done correctly by the UTF8_string
> constructor. What did I do wrong?
> Regards,
> Elias
> On 21 September 2017 at 11:38, Xiao-Yong Jin <jinxiaoy...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> > On Sep 20, 2017, at 9:19 PM, Peter Teeson <peter.tee...@icloud.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > (These days performance can hardly be a compelling argument
>> > with multiple many-core CPU chips.)
>> This kind of argument for APL is exactly why Fortran is still alive and
>> well.
#include "Quad_RE.hh"
#include "Workspace.hh"
#include "PointerCell.hh"

#include <pcre2.h>

Quad_RE Quad_RE::_fun;
Quad_RE *Quad_RE::fun = &Quad_RE::_fun;

static const PCRE2_UCHAR32 *ucs_to_codepoints(const UCS_string &string)
    int size = string.size();
    PCRE2_UCHAR32 *buf = new PCRE2_UCHAR32[size];
    PCRE2_UCHAR32 *p = buf;
    UCS_string::iterator i = string.begin();
    while(i.more()) {
        *p++ = i.next();
    return buf;

static UCS_string make_ucs_string(PCRE2_UCHAR32 *buf)
    UCS_string result;
    PCRE2_UCHAR32 *p = buf;
    while(*p != 0) {
    return result;

Quad_RE::Quad_RE() : QuadFunction(TOK_Quad_RE)

Token Quad_RE::eval_AB(Value_P A, Value_P B)
    if(!A->is_char_string()) {
        MORE_ERROR() << "Regexp argument must be a string value";

    UCS_string pattern = A->get_UCS_ravel();
    const PCRE2_UCHAR32 *pattern_ucs = ucs_to_codepoints(pattern);

    int error_code;
    PCRE2_SIZE error_offset;

    pcre2_code *code = pcre2_compile_32(pattern_ucs, pattern.size(), PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK, &error_code, &error_offset, NULL);
    delete[] pattern_ucs;
    if(code == NULL) {
        PCRE2_UCHAR32 buf[256];
        pcre2_get_error_message_32(error_code, buf, sizeof(buf));
        UCS_string error_message = make_ucs_string(buf);
        MORE_ERROR() << "Error compiling regex at offset: " << error_offset << ": " << error_message;

    const Shape &shape = B->get_shape();
    if(shape.get_rank() == 0) {
        return Token(TOK_APL_VALUE1, Idx0(LOC));
    else if(B->is_char_string()) {
        UCS_string matched = B->get_UCS_ravel();
        const PCRE2_UCHAR32 *matched_ucs = ucs_to_codepoints(matched);
        pcre2_match_data *match_data = pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern_32(code, NULL);
        int match_result = pcre2_match_32(code, matched_ucs, matched.size(), 0, 0, match_data, NULL);
        if(match_result < 0) {
            delete[] matched_ucs;
            return Token(TOK_APL_VALUE1, Idx0(LOC));            

        PCRE2_SIZE *ovector = pcre2_get_ovector_pointer_32(match_data);
        if(match_result == 0) {
            delete[] matched_ucs;
            MORE_ERROR() << "Match buffer too small";

        if(match_result == 1) {
            UCS_string result(reinterpret_cast<const Unicode *>(matched_ucs + ovector[0]), ovector[1] - ovector[0]);
            delete[] matched_ucs;
            Value_P result_value(result, LOC);
            return Token(TOK_APL_VALUE1, result_value);
        else {
            Shape shape(match_result - 1);
            Value_P result_value(shape, LOC);
            for(int i = 1 ; i < match_result ; i++) {
                PCRE2_SIZE start = ovector[i * 2];
                PCRE2_SIZE end = ovector[i * 2 + 1];
                Value_P field_value(UCS_string(reinterpret_cast<const Unicode *>(matched_ucs + start), end - start), LOC);
                new (result_value->next_ravel()) PointerCell(field_value, result_value.getref());
            delete[] matched_ucs;
            return Token(TOK_APL_VALUE1, result_value);
    else {

#if 0
    const Shape &shape = B->get_shape();
    if(shape.get_rank() == 0) {
        return Token(TOK_APL_VALUE1, Str0(LOC));
    else if(B->is_char_string()) {
        UCS_string matched = B->get_UCS_ravel();
        cout << "will match: '" << matched << "' against '" << pattern << "'" << endl;
        int *matched_ucs = ucs_to_codepoints(matched);
        int match_result = pcre_exec(code, extra, reinterpret_cast<char *>(matched_ucs), matched.size(),
                                     0, 0, sub, sizeof(sub) / sizeof(sub[0]));
        cout << "n = " << match_result << endl;
        if(match_result < 0) {
            delete[] matched_ucs;
            return Token(TOK_APL_VALUE1, Idx0(LOC));

        if(match_result == 1) {
            // No subexpressions, return the entire matched string
            UCS_string result(reinterpret_cast<Unicode *>(matched_ucs + sub[0]), sub[1] - sub[0]);
            delete[] matched_ucs;
            Value_P result_value(result, LOC);
            return Token(TOK_APL_VALUE1, result_value);
        else {
            Shape shape(match_result - 1);
            Value_P result_value(shape, LOC);
            for(int i = 1 ; i < match_result ; i++) {
                size_t start = sub[i * 2];
                size_t end = sub[i * 2 + 1];
                Value_P field_value(UCS_string(reinterpret_cast<Unicode *>(matched_ucs + start), end - start), LOC);
                new (result_value->next_ravel()) PointerCell(field_value, result_value.getref());
            delete[] matched_ucs;
            return Token(TOK_APL_VALUE1, result_value);
    else {

Quad_RE::eval_AXB(const Value_P A, const Value_P X, const Value_P B)
    return Token( TOK_APL_VALUE1, Str0( LOC ) );

Quad_RE::eval_B(Value_P B)
    return Token( TOK_APL_VALUE1, Str0( LOC ) );

Quad_RE::eval_XB(Value_P X, Value_P B)
    return Token( TOK_APL_VALUE1, Str0( LOC ) );

Attachment: ax_path_lib_pcre.m4
Description: application/m4

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