I can't speak for NetBSD, but on OpenBSD, when you install GNU APL from OpenBSD packages, you automatically install an additional package of Apl333.ttf and Apl385.ttf. This works fine, and has the added benefit of letting OpenBSD set up the fonts for you, so you can immediately be on your way to using GNU APL without any extra setup.

If you're familiar with pkgsrc, you might consider adding the fonts there and let pkgsrc take care of all the setup for you and everyone else who may come to APL via pkgsrc.


On 2020-05-01 1:04 PM, Alexander Shendi (Web.DE) wrote:
Hi all,

I am now shopping for an APL font to use with X11R7 on NetBSD 9. I have already tried the stuff from APL385.com. The procedure was as follows:
1. Copy the font files into /usr/pkg/share/fonts/X11/TTF/.
2. Execute "/usr/X11R7/bin/mkfontscale"
3. Execute "/usr/X11R7/bin/mkfontdir"
4. Execute "xset +fp /usr/pkg/share/fonts/X11/TTF"
5. Execute "xset fp rehash"
6. Check with xlsfonts that the APL fonts are available.
7. Set the locale to UTF-8 by setting LC_ALL and LANG to "en_US. UTF-8".

If there is anything wrong with this, please let me know.

I do have the fonts available, but the end result look horrible and does not display all APL chars.

So I either need another font or I am doing something wrong.

TIA. It is appreciated.

Best Regards,
-- Alexander

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Scott McNealy 1999

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