A better example that visually show the problem:

      24 ⎕CR  {⍴ (⊢⍤1) (⍵,6)⍴9} ¨ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
│┌2──┐ ┌→┐ ┌2──┐ ┌2──┐ ┌2──┐ ┌2──┐ ┌2──┐│
││0 6│ │6│ │2 6│ │3 6│ │4 6│ │5 6│ │6 6││
│└───┘ └─┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│

btw, NARS200 give this answer:

      ⎕FMT   {⍴ (⊢⍤1) (⍵,6)⍴9} ¨ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
│┌2───┐ ┌2───┐ ┌2───┐ ┌2───┐ ┌2───┐ ┌2───┐ ┌2───┐│
││ 0 6│ │ 1 6│ │ 2 6│ │ 3 6│ │ 4 6│ │ 5 6│ │ 6 6││
│└~───┘ └~───┘ └~───┘ └~───┘ └~───┘ └~───┘ └~───┘2


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