Hi Bill,

I had a log at your build logs and they look OK.
How about the questions below?

I have checked ⎕GTK and it is nowhere near to throwing a
SYNTAX ERROR. So for me it is important to know where the
syntax error is thrown.

Best Regards,

On 11/12/23 15:44, Dr. Jürgen Sauermann wrote:

sorry to hear that. Works just fine on my box. But we may be
able to narrow down the problem a litte. Please try the following:

1. make sure that the Gtk_server was installed and is executable:
$> Gtk_server -v
Gtk_server: fcntl(3, F_GETFD) failed: Bad file descriptor
    That typically happens if this program is started directly, more
    precisely: without opening file descriptor 3 first. The anticipated
    usage is to open this program from GNU APL using ⎕FIO[57] and then to
    encode TLV buffers with 33 ⎕CR and send them to this program with ⎕FIO[43]*

It will exit immediately.

2. Change the verbosity of the Gtk_server in file *src/Gtk/Gtk_server.cc*
line 45 like so:

*static int  verbosity = 3;*

and maybe enable some of the lines below that line. Then:
$> make develop
$> sudo make install*

3. open the logging channels related to errors In *apl*:

*      ]LOG 25 26*

4. run your command below:

*      ⎕gtk '/home/dahle/staging/GTK_jurgen.ui' *

5. Let me know what you see.

Thanks for using GNU APL,

Jürgen Sauermann

On 11/12/23 03:07, Chief Bottle Washer wrote:
I'm trying to compile apl in cygwin on a Windows Laptop.  A logs are attached.

I get a syntax error when with

      ⎕gtk '/home/dahle/staging/GTK_jurgen.ui'


  • Re: Quad-gtk Dr . Jürgen Sauermann
    • Re: Quad-gtk Dr . Jürgen Sauermann

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