dear all,

I just wanted to say that auctex/preview is awesome, and 
this is why I am happy to report that after copying all
the relevant auctex files from the site-lisp of the Emacs 23.1
at my office (Fedora 13 machine), which have the time
$Id: preview.el,v 1.285 2010/10/14 19:30:38 angeli Exp $
in preview.el (I don't know if some later patch was applied)

I now have *none* of the problems I reported below: I just
re-byte-compiled everything with my Emacs 24.2 on mac os x,
(adjusting some paths in auctex.el and preview-latex.el due to a
different repertory structure)

and now preview
generation works beautifully, in dvi mode, in pdf mode, 
for the «document», for the «buffer», for single or multi
file projects... perfect!

and direct and reverse search either with xdvi or Skim (for pdf)
work also perfectly (they already did with the newer auctex/preview)

The more modern auctex I thus (reluctantly) replaced with this
ancestor stolen from the machines at my office had the following
time stamp in its auctex/preview.el file
$Id: preview.el,v 1.286 2011/01/23 18:53:55 angeli Exp $

This is only the tag for the preview.el file, I don't know where
to find other time stamps

as an aside, I got rid of very frustrating "error occurred after 
last tex file closed" to get back to some more instructive error
messages; like with this test file copied from


I now get

ERROR: File ended while scanning use of \emph .

--- TeX said ---
! File ended while scanning use of \emph .
--- HELP ---
No help available

and this is much better!

please excuse my intrusion on this list where I can
not help the programmers but only give an account of 
my experience. I have been using AUCTeX/preview for
years and I love it.



jfbu <> wrote :

> I have noticed that a number of people have
> reported problems here over the last year or so
> with getting preview to work. For many years
> I did not upgrade my system and it worked fine
> (I used exclusively dvi output)
> Here is my current experience after moving to
> Mac OS X 10.8.1, with
> Emacs 24.2 (Mac Port),  TL 2012 installed,
> and the latest version of auctex 11.86 I could fine. 
> (which includes a patch related to the way gs is
> called). I am using the
> normal latex engine for dvi and pdflatex for pdf.
> (dvi output): works fine if previews are generated
> "for buffer", also when the file is part of 
> a multi-file project. Does not work when
> previews are generated "for document": in that
> case a multipage dvi file is created will all
> images, one per page, but next step in processing fails.
> (pdf output): fails as above with "for document", a
> pdf file is created with one page per image, but next
> step seems to fail. Works "for buffer" but only
> for a single file document. If from a project with
> a master-file it fails, also when asking previews 
> "for buffer", contrarily to the dvi output case.
> I did not try "previews for region", or "at point".
> Everything else in AUCTeX works fine as far as I can tell, 
> including direct/reverse search with xdvi under XQuartz and 
> for pdf. I applied one or two advices found on the net,
> including one on AUCTeX's way of
> determining if source-specials or synctex should be used,
> because I use sometimes dvi with xdvi, sometimes pdf with Skim.
> (or pdf with Okular 0.10.5 on Fedora 13 distribution at my office) 
> Just in passing I mention that to get xdvi (from TL2012/Mac Intel 64bits) 
> to work when launched from 
> I had to add a -unique option to the way it is called when 
> the source-specials are *not* activated. 
> Of course I will post logs of (more or less) minimal examples
> if asked.
> Sincerely,
> JF B.
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