Mosè Giordano <> writes:

Hi Nils & Mosé,

>> In case you are wondering, the non-matching brackets [\} appear for
>> example in physics as so-called "super Lie brackets".
> Thanks for taking the time to report this bug, I can reproduce it.

I can reproduce it with Emacs 24.5 but not with Emacs from
the current emacs-25 branch.  So maybe it has been fixed after the last
release (either the regex, or the Emacs regex matcher has become

If anyone of you could try with Emacs 25 and report back, that'd be

> There is a simple workaround you can put in your code: close the
> brackets, also in a comment is fine:
>     [\} % ]
> But I don't know how to really fix the bug, it's too late for me to
> decrypt that regexp now.  Having a clue of what it should *exactly*
> match would be of great help.

Obviously, it should match everything that's interesting to reftex. :-)

But seriously, have a look at the bottom of `reftex-compile-variables'
where `reftex-everything-regexp' is composed from several other regexes
with more local scopes, e.g., one for matching labels, one for sections,
one for index entries, etc.


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