The file I modified was slides.el:
Applying this modification then reinstalling AUCTeX from sources
produced the desired effect, i.e. making the default environment
prompted to be "frame" when editing a beamer file, so I assumed it was
the solution to the problem I was having. Maybe the problem comes from
the fact that slides.el shouldn't be used for beamer files?


On 24/01/2018 19:31, Mosè Giordano wrote:
> Hi Agathe,
> 2018-01-24 19:10 GMT+01:00 Agathe Herrou <>:
>> Hello,
>> When using AUCTeX with Beamer, the default environment when running C-c
>> C-e is "slide". As far as I know, this environment doesn't exist, and
>> the correct one is "frame". Attached is a suggested corrective.
> Thanks for your contribution, however there is no "slide" environment
> in our style file for beamer:
> Where did get that style file?
> Bye,
> Mosè

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