>Did you run ./autogen.sh before ./configure?

I did, yes, I attached the output in case you're interested. It seems
like it starts failing after the following line:

checking for install-info... /usr/bin/install-info

The problem is I end up with an empty Makefile, so make fails

>We have instructions for using AUCTeX from a local Git repo described

I think what was missing were the following lines from the

(load "auctex.el" nil t t)
(load "preview-latex.el" nil t t)

When I added those, it worked. I guess these lines are not necessary
when installing via ELPA?

>I don't use use-package, but I think you need to use-package tex and
>not latex.

I think I've changed this based off of this post:


I wanted to load LaTeX-mode, not TeX-mode, which is in latex.el. I also
load reftex using the following snippet:

(use-package reftex-mode
  :ensure auctex
  :hook LaTeX-mode)

Anyway, the patch was still working with the properly installed auctex.

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